Brother : The begining.
He had a heart shaped face with small, fuzzy ears on the sides of his head. his mouth was filled with great teeth. his strong arms ending in sharp claws but he still possessed an air of calm, and gentleness.
Facility One, Debby's pleasures
She had long black hair, deep red fur, and long, slender legs, firm, c-cup breasts, and a tantalising heart shaped rump. in a school built on sex, she was totally in her element.
A week of dates
The menu went like this; first course, prawn salad in a flumentious heart shape dressed in seafood sauce; second course, roasted lamb, on a bed of bright red roasted tomatoes, served with champagne and a poem written for fin from tme: and thir course being
My Kitty Chapter 7
I walked to a chocolate store and bought a big heart-shaped box of chocolates. i then went to a flower store and bought a white rose. by the time i had bought everything, my big stuffed animal was ready.
Terry at Disneymoon
Sitting alone in his new dressing room, terry stares at his reflection in the heart-shaped vanity mirror. his fair skinned face is soft with big cheeks and a round chin.
Niv and Tik Tik 2
Well, his question doesn't linger too long, as from the back of the wagon slurps a translucent slime with a heart-shaped core in the middle. he screams as best as he can as it sloughs over the front of the seat and plops onto the pavement.
Tunnel of Love 5
The other has plump, almost heart-shaped balls with a hard and wanting cock jutting from beneath them. both present to him the most delightful stars he's seen. he has to rear back and bite his lips as he stares at the glorious booty before him.
Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 2 - Pipp
Hitch dropped to the floor in absolute pain, the heart shape on the hoof did not help, he could feel it's exact shape throbbing where he'd been kicked. not again! meanwhile, 67 million hearts filled pipp's screen. she was trending!
Young Rabbits 1
When it looks over its shoulder, the heart shape over its eye gives it away as the brother of the pair. he gasps when he sees the tiger charging at him, and he immediately drops the folder he's carrying to bound off down the street. "oh, no you don't!"
AnOtter Story chapter 2
A tawny rabbit walks up, turns her back to him and rubs her heart-shaped tail in his crotch. "maybe," she whispers seductively, "we'll do more than talk the next time you show up..." "no giving away the goods for free!" the tigress scolds.
Private lesson
shaped patch of purple fur just above her pussy and being naked and looking at each other turned both of them on.
First Date Part I
I looked myself over, an average deer body from my black tipped ears past the heart shaped white fur patch on my chest, down to my balls. i sighed at the white patches on my thighs that remained from my faun coat, some people keep them.