Drac Ch17

After dinner, the two of them had settled on the couch and put on the tv to a documentary about the early history of leonas on the continent.

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The Gift, Richard's (SF) Introduction, Part 2

Let me tell you, it's one thing to hear one in a nature documentary on television, and something else entirely to be only a few feet from it.

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Drac Ch8

He'd switched the channel to some old looking war documentary right in the middle of an explosion and footage of a terrifying aircraft that seemed to take up the whole sky. 'change it.' dienza growled.

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Soi Brothas: Part 5 and 6 - A Plan for Obese People

Finding it to be another lame pseudo-documentary on american crime, he kissed his mother on the forehead and began the trek to his room.

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"Then and Now" - Day 3, Chapter 8

"_i even recorded that documentary about you. remember it? you came close to knocking out the cameraman when he got in your way in the er._" "ah... yes, i remember."

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Ryan Cunning

Ryan had seen something like this before, he had watched a documentary about predators in the wild. how the predator would stalk its prey silently and then get into a readied position to pounce. pounce...

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Mountain Love

Sandra sat on the couch in a simple black tank-top and loose grey sweat pants, her feet curled up under her tail as she watched a wild life documentary.

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Tribal Ritual

Both of the civilized members of this small expedition where somewhat famous in their circles; janus for his many studies on tribal culture both ancient and modern, owen for his award winning documentaries; thanks to their accomplishments they have

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New to Town - Chapter 1

The next class was history, they watched a documentary until the bell rang, dismissing the students. all the furs quickly moved into the hallway on route to their next classes, or lunch depending on the schedules.

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Twilight Eros Chapter 34

I mean i love dad and all but he got a lot of heat from the public eye because of his documentaries." "especially the ones where they showed those young kids having sex with each other." "really spec, is now the best time to bring that up?"

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Spin the Bottle part 1 - Introduction

He had an archeology documentary he really wanted to watch waiting for him. and then he saw her. rebecca. head of the cheer squad. the lapine woman stood chatting with another girl, unaware of his presence.

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Alder Falls: Book One: Chapter VI

Grant blinked again and saw the lion, as if he was watching a nature documentary. "his blood is needed to restore what was lost."

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