Star Fox: Inertia - Ch. 6 of 12

He wasn't the perfect dogfighter attentive pups studied in space combat 101. he was flying by the seat of his pants out here, where resources got stretched and death seared past his canopy with every aileron roll.

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The Great War - Part 8

He says, bringing his fighter out of the main dogfight. he knew that he will need all the space he can get to manuever clear of this celestial's attacks. she was a good flier, after all.

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Border Worlds tales #1 Beginings

The reverse is only for landing the fighter on a planet's surface, but astrid used the reverse setting when in a dogfight. perce looked to his right seeing his wingman or wing woman's fighter going backwards firing the laser cannons.

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Star Fox: Inertia - Ch. 4 of 5

His idea of flirtation is gunning for me in a dogfight." she propped a hand on her hip and swept the other at the avian. "he's like a shady, slutty version of you." his feathers puffed in a ruffle. "hey, i get around!" "don't lie to an empath, falco.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 22

The magnetic accelerators inside the heavy guns allowed for the greatest precision of all the fist's weapons, plotting courses that would fly straight through zones the swirling dogfight melee failed to occupy.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 21

Sure enough, as void shadow descended again, cutting back the throttle, he saw that randy's transport ship had used the dogfight's aerial ballet as cover for moving into position, then blasted both of his pod-mounted cannons right into the passing

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Torpedo Run Chapter 19

Void shadow felt a bit cheated that they weren't going to be dogfighting this way. then an authoritative voice piped over the main channel, loud and clear and far more important than simple lovers' quibbling.

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The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 5: Tension

I've noticed it during dogfights too. if you can't even stop yourself from being cliche on the ground, how long do you think it'll take before our enemies notice it? hmph, wouldn't be surprised if you're the first one of us to get shot down."

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The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 8: Calm Time

Someday, one of 'em's gonna 'tweak' our engines or lasers so we crash into a mountain or can't fire when we're being chased in a dogfight." "i'll let you know when that day comes."

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Ground Zero

He sighed, cracking his knuckles, the adrenaline from his little dogfight starting to bleed off.

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Starfox: For the Love of a Vixen - Chapter 2

The vulpine mercenary had fought countless battles, been in dogfights and skirmishes and had been near death on more than one occasion, but for some reason this was the scariest thing he'd ever faced in his life.

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A Glimmer of Light in the Void:Chapter 2

What happened makes my brain feel like it was in some huge washing machine with a tornado function in some sort of wind tunnel from... all that soaring, twirling, gliding, flipping, and flapping as those two birds, trainer, and poliwhirl had their dogfight

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