In Which Master Goat and the Famous Cock Part Company, Chapter 3/4
When his grandson blew his load all over the floor in front of them, he didn't seem to react at all. but only for a few seconds.
Lions at the Vanishing Point
What happened to my grandson?" his eyes flickered over the vixen, who'd retaken her rest position on the huge bearskin rug. "why did you bring her?
Spirit Bound: Chapter Eighty-Four
He also let them know that the alpha wished to spend more time with nathanial, to learn more about his potential grandson-in-law.
FF: A Fallen Hero
Now go see your mother before she smashes a hole in my home again." he said, sending his grandson on his way.
Sight of the heart Part IV
No trainer has scored that high in sixty years and he smiles this kid might give his grandson a run for his money and maybe deflate his ego a bit.
The New Rudolph?
Walking around the car, he gave his grandson a firm hug and pat on the back. giving one more smile, rudolph turned and headed for the porch.
I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Eighteen
More importantly, they had seen him _kill vixen's grandson._ "it's over," he whispered, the numbness of defeat washing over him. there was no coming back from this. would they execute him for this? no.
I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Ten
"justin, this is tornado, vixen's grandson. probably not the best guy to be picking fights with on your first day of flight training!" "i didn't pick a fight with him!" justin insisted. "i was just--" "are you this _thing's_ friend?"
The Werewolf Next Door / Chapter One
The elderly woman was shorter than her grandson. her long white hair tied up in a bun and her hazel eyes gleaming with joy at seeing her daughter and grandson.
Little Red Shaman Squirrel
Tassa kissed her grandson goodnight.
Coming of Age in the Wolf Tribe
And, as we all know, not only did alex grow up to be an exceptionally masculine man, he also did the same to his sons and grandsons in the tribe. it's just tradition!
Family Reunion Breeding
Papaw says he'll claim it and we shouldn't tell my dad his grandson is actually his son. that he'll be bent enough that one of his grandsons is really his uncle.