The Captain's Captive- Prison Break
The captain's captive- prison break a whole week had passed since kron, captain of the guard at gorax prison, made a prisoner named sheer his mate. the first night of mating with the boy was indeed fun for the darknut, but not in the way he hoped.
Dreams of Home
In brief, the rapist told the woman to sue me and i was arrested, interrogated, tried and finally put into prison. and as you might imagine, a 'criminal' of my status just so happens to be at the bottom of the prison totem pole.
Short Story Rebirth
He was trapped in some small spherical prison with no light. it was also slightly damp around him. "what is this place?!" he thought to himself as he struggled against his prison.
Living Crime I: Prison?
This was most certainly not a prison.
The Lizardkin's Thrall
Unhinging the prisoner's jaw with one great clawed hand, a ball gag was inserted with the other. "i will allow you to speak when you are ready to give me what i want," the overseer said as he resumed pulling the prisoner along.
The Prisoner
The prisoner squeaked, whimpered, nodded in desperation.
Magik & Myth: Falling of the Dusk: Blood Dawn (Chpt 6)
His gaze looked out the window of the prison. as far as the aven could tell, he was still in thead.
Darkness Rising Chapter Two
Without even a second glance at the prisoner inside, ariel opened fired inside the cell. the prisoner never stood a chance.
Chapter 47: Love Slap
Mogethis demanded when robin went to the prisoner. "don't waste your supper on that whore! she is all but dead!" robin knelt beside the prisoner and offered the hare leg to her lips.
The Milking Farm (Reboot) 1: Processing
Particularly with this new kind of prison, from everything that the judge had been saying. _heh. don't know why we needed new prisons to go along with the new laws, but hey.
This bus had about ten rows of seats, allowing about 40 prisoners to sit in, or 34 if you don't count the guards' seats, as they were not caged in. but yet there were only seven of prisoners, six guards, and the driver.
Cum Stream Story 3: A Valued Transaction
Sanmer is not the only powerful person around the dragon prison. he also has a number of visitors, including one dragon that really is quite concerned about the state of the prisoners.