Adipose City: The Breakfast Food Affair
The test samples were a collection of german breakfast dishes tucked away inside refrigerators and cooling racks mummified with plastic wrap.
The agreement:
All sound had become muted beyond the gentle scuffing of the mummified dragon squirming on the floor, though soon that too died down as the jacket bulged as the lining was pulled back inside the actual body of the garment.
A Heart Renewed
Old, mummified emotions were jumping to life and rattling her heart against her ribcage with every memory. last week, she'd woken up crying into her pillow after a dream about snookems.
The Game Chapter 6
On it was a strange, mummified figure with red eyes. it looked just like a card from the game. he flipped it over and noticed the words, 'only you can forge this'. puzzled, he turned to nate and shook him awake. "hey, bud. you up?"
FHSF Chapter 1: Orientatinon
Some even were tied up and completely mummified in what looked like a large black bag while they were forced to suck on the huge cock in front of them. then i got to notice the one who was dominating them all, was the same person.
I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Twenty Four
Immediately, more veins appeared, mummifying her as well. "now, i will ask again," krampus said to justin. _"will you join me?"_ "let them go!" justin yelled back. "only if you say yes!
The Cursed Village
[illustration]( more bolts of cloth wound around him, mummifying him with their taut wrappings. it constricted his chest, his abdomen, his legs.
Grayson 1
(i think they've reserved "decrepit" for somewhere around 55 or so, after which you become something akin to "mummified.") doing the math based on my estimates, i think i'm nearly three times robbie's age.
A mummified hand pulled a silver piece from a leather vest. flicked it into the air - shot the deputy's hat off. shot the sheriff's hat off. caught the coin. put it his vest. "a job.. sorry about the hat." gods that voice!
Carnal Combat, Part VII - And Then There Were Three
Dusk could be her complaining under the webbing, and his form squirmed, but he was entirely mummified.
Introductions: Interrupted
But patrick kept going as he moved to door, albeit talking so fast i almost couldn't understand it: "to the hospital and insisted on staying as close as possible as you were rushed to be cleaned up, scanned, have your broken bones set, partially mummified
How to Enter Dragon Heaven P6
One of them had two small holes cut out for a set of purple rubber whiskers to hang out as they stood there bound in black rubber chains and nearly mummified head to toe with black rubber straps.