Ortus Obscurum - Rising Darkness
He'd never gotten caught, because he never really physically abused anyone and when your evidence isn't in the form of a bleeding nose all it takes is a good lawyer and you are out of court.
The Plateau - by Jeeves
It, and indeed the world around it, were physical beings.
DC Criminal Profile: Berserker
Further, his ability does not protect him from or respond to non-physical hazards such as extreme heat and extreme cold.
The Plateau
It, and indeed the world around it, were physical beings.
Chapter 4: Where no Mortal Has Gone
Felix reached for his knowledge of the non-physical world, taught to him in stages throughout his childhood, and found it came readily.
New Slave
Many of them had also embraced a more alternative outward physical appearance, and now boasted physical features which could be considered animal in nature.
The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Contact and Assesment
Hybrid will have noticeable physical changes, and will receive mental changes to make hybrid docile and cooperative.
My Desert
I cried out, pain, pain of the physical variety. the hit seemed to slowly drain all the energy out of my body, as i began to slow down; and even the smallest physical movement became burdensome.
The Woodfather - Pollination Reports
It will not pierce through standard nexus-issue smart armour, flux shielding or even physical clothing.
All about the Evocanis (Part 1)
Vanity, physical appearance standards, fashion trends or shame are also unknown and inexistent in the evocanis society.
Task of the Apprentice
physical magic and anything more complicated than that were considered to be pretty rare.
The Walk from Darkness to Light: Part 1
Now these are the physical manifestations of our natural magic, but what else does this tell us? what about age and life expectancy?