Chrissie's Coming of Age Pt. 4
_we_ can't risk you getting free and maybe hurting yourself. don't worry though, i'll be around to give you what you need. upon hearing that her eyes flashed like fire for an instant before going back to her normal self. "of course daddy.
Harper's Home
Still, the risk of being seen didn't bother him enough to drive out the sultry scenes playing in his mind. in all the fantasies of his youth he'd never pictured his first partner as one as exotic as harper.
Pleasure built quickly in maneki as she found that the added risk only served to heighten her excitement. it wouldn't be long before she would cum.
In the Enemy's Territory 17
"What the!? Dammit! _Anubis_! I really don't wanna like ye!" Oh, good. Jack was up and had discovered the most current of late night miracles. While Silver had been driving the tractor back from one of the further fields at the end of the...
Riomantic Evening
Blu ruffled softly and pressed up closer to his mate. Jewel almost purred as she pressed to him, beak rubbing into his neck feathers. They were enjoying a nice, quiet night in their cozy nest home. Night had fallen outside, leaving the pair snuggled...
Asking For It
Cats were _made_for stamina, and if he was going to take this big a risk, he was going to get as much reward as possible. he held her down on his bed and just like that, he was fucking her again, saying, "time for round two!"
Literature lab rat
Maddie chewed the inside of her cheek as she tried to keep herself focused on the days lesson. It didn't help that the professor was nearing seventy and it showed in how the badger droned on and on in what had to be the most monotonous, boring voice...
She'll Change Her Mind
He didn't care about the risk of pregnancy. in fact, it turned him on even more, contributing to his building orgasm. "oh fuck! daddy's cumming baby, daddy's cumming! take my pups!"
What Are Friends For?
"She's in hospice, again." Barry said, slowly hanging up the phone. The wolf rubbed his temples with one hand while the other rolled the seam of his jeans between his thumb and forefinger. "Maria said she probably wont last a week." He felt his wife's...
Dead Streets: Scouting Underneath
A head covered in a mess of black hair peeked over a metal barrier quickly enough before disappearing and coming back and over along with the rest of the cloaked body of a tan skinned woman. Landing on the other side the dusty cloaked figure...
Picture Perfect Memories
_Coyotes: because sometimes there's no point in trying to be better than who you really are._ _Back to Cannon Shoals for a standalone story. Scout's never had a story before, so we get to go back and meet his family and see how he got the way he is....
A deep grumble rolled around Tyron's beak, almost trapped there as he clicked and ground the edges of it in annoyance. The hippogryph dropped a heavy hand on top of the row of lockers as he kept spinning the dial. Half the row shook as he jerked and...