Watch Your Step

Harris reached a portion of the tunnel that shrunk significantly, a partial cave in having left him with an opening the size of a crawlspace to maneuver through.

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Dragon's Cave - Part 1 - A new friend

Thank you for reading - I hope you liked this short story and I am sorry for any grammatical or other errors you have encountered. English is not my native language. If there are missing some important tags or you want to leave constructive criticism...

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Book One of Rabbits Part 6 of 29, "Down to my bones."

**CHAPTER 5** "Down to my bones." Cecil knows it is not a good idea to let Fauna stay, but he cannot very well kick her out. The last time she visited ended with them arguing over the hate his sisters have for her and Cecil's inability to...

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469 On Top Of Old Smokey

Save Point: On Top Of Old Smokey Somewhere In The Northern Icefields Descending crystals of melted and refrozen icewater, ever recirculated, branch into structures of such fantastic complexity that Cleo could almost suspect they were biologically...

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Before the Storm

This features huskies from a previous story of mine, 'Arctic Heat', which can be found here: []( The story here is set a few years before. Before the...

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Werewolf’s Love

.** ** pauline sat up and looked around and saw a cave in front of her. when she lifted up her head, she saw a shadow coming down. thump! the shadow was now standing in between her and the cave.

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The Albanian and the Dragon

_This story managed to come up in a conversation I was having with a friend xD looking to see what other people think =P_ **The Albanian and the Dragon** The young Albanian boy looked up in worry. His hair, long and untamed after 6 months of...

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The Pride Rock Part 2: Welcomming Committee

**The Pride Rock** **Part 2: Welcomming committee** **This story happens between Lion King 1 - 2** " **Zira wait!" the other lioness shouts** " **What? Don't you see, that im trying to get** **my meal for this day?" replies the one who holds...

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Dry Lagoon

Rin was a B'thern, one of the more unusual species that the galactic union had found. They were twelve foot tall creatures that were close to what might have been called a centaur, but with enough differences that the name was considered incorrect....

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Burning Love

Oh boy, I've FINALLY finished it... although Lucifer has gone under an overhaul so the description needs mending... BUT I'm calling this a stand alone, so it's irrelevant. ==================== I swung my axe down and cut the log in two. Silently...

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7 "Oh man, there's a storm coming again. Guess we can't take any risk near the cliffs." Hearing that, Lilac went out from the carriage and saw a big cluster of cloud forming from the west. For the last five days since they went out...

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The Mouse and the Dragon

The homeless mouse walks down the darkened, deserted road. His staff sweeps the road in front of him, searching for tripping hazards. Through the trees, he hears thunder roll in. A storm is coming. He'll need to find shelter. Having traveled this...

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