The Puffy Pool-Toy Predicament - Commission -
"i'll just take it into the living room for a little bit, then i'll put it back when i'm done." he said nervously.
Worshiping Knuckles
Tails turned from the door after he couldn't see sonic anymore and walked into the living room of the house that the three heros lived in, sonic, tails, and knuckles. tails walked through the small living room to the door to their garage.
Chapter 1: The Unfortunate Day
When he entered the living room. he was walking slowly and silently, he lean he head into the living room to see if that bad person was there.
Family Confusion
The kitchen, living- room, one bathroom and his bedroom were on the ground floor. upstairs, she had her own small bedroom and bathroom. she poked her head into the living room and saw her brother.
Times Change - March Rule 34 Story #2 (Teaser)
Matt immediately grabbed his guitar and sprawled out on the sofa in his living room, groaning in relaxation as he brought his fingers across the strings, filling the small apartment living room with a vibrant sound that bounced around the walls before subtly
Commission Zone: Door-to-Door Moommy
Letting go of tony's hand, she trotted into the center of the living room. clearing her throat, she began to speak.
Teacher\'s Pet-Part one
"yes, she should be waiting in the living room for us, and please call me sandra." she smiled and stepped lightly off in the direction of the living room, leading the tiger who seemed to notice the spring and sway in the young mothers step.
The Professor 04
Calvin hadn't noticed it before, but it must be connected to something in the living room, a relic of bygone days when servants lived in houses like this.
School Crush : Chapter 3
Two chairs were also found in the living room, both were a dark, rich blue that pulled some color into the bland room. i loved my living room.
At Home With the Roommates
The kitchen was separated from the living room by the floor, which was tile instead of carpet, located in the northeast corner of the house. there was also a card table with four chairs, though the usually ate in the living room.
Tears of the Abyss - Part 2
I am standing in the ruins of my living room." it's probably the longest silence he has ever witnessed. "you still there, nasur?" "yes ... i am sorry, nellis. are you and the witness ok?"
The House That Screamed
I went to the bathroom to relieve myself but as i was washing my hands i heard the mac mini in the living room start up with a cheery chime. i walked into the living room in time to see a word document open on the old crt screen.