Hypnotist Girlfriend [CH5 of 5]

The feeding frenzy continued much the same for a few weeks, each day involving more food than the last did. The three primates had swelled considerably since the start of the hypnosis, and seemed to be quite content with their bigger size. Their...

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Milk the Girl

"I knew I should have taken that left turn in Albuquerque!" Astria sighed to herself as she flew over endless farm fields. "What the hell am I doing here?! There is nothing! No victims! Nada!" She frowned in dismay and hovered over a small farm. The...

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The Dragon And The Steed - Part 2

Although his rump was as the same level as his shoulders, his back dipped slightly under the weight of his paunch, making it seem bigger than it was.

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A Special Gift

Closing her eyes she rolled over onto her flank, and then twisted further around and onto her back, the weight of her belly pinning her down.

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Tania's Unbound

The wall of light faded away into nothing and the weight of the universe flooded back against her. and as the universe returned, so did the voices in her mind. "we bring you a feast. the goddess must eat. destroy them all.

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Gator Nights

"Nonsense, I insist. Us swamp men git such a bad rap these days. Besides--it's the middle a the night--the two a ya ain't goin' nowhere til mornin' anyway," Daryl said, as he turned the tow truck onto a winding dirt road which wove through the dark...

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Fat Fox Poem

Fat Fox Poem Awaking again with a stretch and a yawn I start to notice just how fat I have grown My belly, it bulges, I were it with pride even though I'm beginning to outgrow my hide I wash my soft fur with water so cool thinking of...

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Untitled cheetah story

She sat in the chair, not that she had much choice, and the chair didn't seem to enjoy the predicament it was in. The wood, metal, and upholstery groaned under the magnificent cheetahs blubbery form. Looking like some sort of spotted whale she glutted...

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The over indulgance of Mr. Wolf

The Overindulgance of Mr. Wolf Mr. Wolf waddled into the Highly soffisticated resteraunt, the wealthy lupines healthy gut swelling out before his knees. He was the fattest wolf in the entire western hemisphere, He bulged out of his suit like a...

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The Back Room 2: Lucas

As the weight piled on the lion was getting more and more aroused. at three hundred ponds the wolf came up behind his prey and removed his boxers, revealing his enormous dick.

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Gas & Gluttony

I had a brief fleeting thought of 'what have i gotten myself into' as i padded to the door, my thick socks sinking into my filthy carpet due to the weight of the body they were propelling forward.

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The Back Room 3: Fang Lightwind

" Midnight, not a sound from the pavement, has the moon lost her memory? She is smiling alone. In the lamp light the withered leaves collect at my feet, and the wind begins to...

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