Chapter 7

Craig shouted excitedly, jumping up and running out the room, leaving the three girls staring at each other in confusion, before all jumping up and following him.

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Left 4 dead: Introduction

Quickly, she jumped back to the roof, but it was too far, and she found herself jumping down the building. a look of panic crossed her eyes as she tried to reach for something to keep her from falling.

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Lost Soldier: 5, Revenge

Turning around he started off again and koro was quick to charge after him, though she didn't jump to his front instead she jumped toward his back.

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#142 of transformation mystery egg patreon reward for werenimal calvin would jump at the chance to jump into another world and be a pokemon instead of a human. in fact, he literally did.

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Tales of the Lost Chapter 5: The new friend, Colette

Colette jumped and flew into the air and pulled out her two rings and threw them at porthos, they cut porthos and came back to her, porthos growled even more and charged at her and jumped into the air to bite her, but sadly, colette moved out of the way before

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Chapter One: A little detour

So i jumped at the sound. i ran until i saw jessica with two of dr. kill's minions i jumped and fell into a crate i knock myself out. i woke up three hours later someone open the crate i jumped out and ran then realizing that i was in a forest.

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Chapter Three - Try To Understand

"okay, so i can jump a lot higher than i thought... great..." i said sarcastically. "what's the deal with that!? i could jump like...

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Hope and Dreams part 6

Cowell wanted to see issac swim before letting him jump, and even after showing off his limited skills with the doggy paddle, he was unsure of the jump. "try not to get hurt, and don't do anything stupid!". she warned them.

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Rover Took Over

He just barked and jumped off the bed at me. i staggered back as he jumped up on me. he claws scratched my chest and i yelled at him. he got down but this put his snout right at eye lever with my naked crotch.

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Drakk And Church

Drakk jumped up, afraid that his friend would become aware of his erect penis and jumped into the water. church sat on the water line and cocked his head to the side inquisitively. he asked, "hey drakk, are you ok?"

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