Fix or Forget | Part 2

The first aid kit isn't very extensive, but i manage to scrounge up some medical bandages and dressing. he resists at first, but ends up letting me treat and bind his head.

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A new job

I was walking (more like stumbling), towards a hut that held first aid equipment, when i heard a helicopter. i was saved. end flashback. "so that's what happened to you! where are they? i'm gonna kill all of them!" i yelled.

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RSH- Savior

Revedov reached down and unclipped his first aid pouch, knowing it to be well stocked, and set it down next to the raptoress. it was not his place to kill her when she could not fight back.

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A Pokémon's Love - Part 1

He knelt down and reached under his bed for the first aid kit that he knew was there, before setting it down beside the pokémon and opening it, looking at what he had to work with.

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Jacks Tail: Chapter-16 Hunted

Glancing back at ashley i see that she is busy packing everything up, the first aid wrap seems dry enough so she rolls it up and sticks it back into the first aid kit, followed by putting her pants back on.

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one long day (alternate ending)

Shoving aside several types and flavors of lube and toys he found a mini first-aid kit. he yanked it open and pulled out a gauze pad. "i swear in getting him de-clawed." the deep brown colored otter whispered to himself.

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Second entry

We also have this field first aid kit. not much, but it should be enough for the most basic things. so, all in all, our chances are not bad...."

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Niko's Unintentional Discovery

Not skipping a beat, she grabbed a first aid kit from under her bed. she pulled some gauze out and applied pressure to his wound. "do i need to call 911, or do you have some healing powers i should know about?" she snarled, though being serious.

Halo: ODST Chronicles: HellJumpers: Chapter 2

Derek pulled out his first aid kit. he pulled a needle with some liquid inside it. he stabbed mike in his wounded spot and pushed the liquid in his wound which almost instantly closed up mike's wound. -damn that hurt. mike said looking at derek.

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Introducing the 'Hunter'

Now unpacking the bag, he pulled out a muzzle, a first aid kit, and also a couple of bowls and packages of raw meat.

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How I Met Silver

I went in my bathroom and brought out the first-aid kit. i opened the bottle of peroxide and poured some on a towel. i gently rubbed some into on of the scars on her arm. as soon as i did, the scar vanished completely! "woah."


We two: Fill the gaps

"it was basic first aid, nothing special." she said. "you're lucky i was on my way to your house, otherwise matt woulda done it, and he ain't so fucking bright as me." she added, trying to make him crack a smile. her efforts were in vain.

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