Licking the Lamb
Bunners tried her best to cover up her sizable breasts with her paws, but it was no use, the sexy black and white rabbit looking gorgeous, especially with the way her shaggy, dark blue hair lightly draping over her bright green eyes.
Br'er Rabbits
Riley called, burying his face against the white rabbit's chest, his hands moving south to where their twinned bulges pressed heavily against his own.
Vore to Your Door
His teeth nibbled over the leather cords that bound the white rabbit's legs together, enjoying the distinct taste they added to the male's natural flavor.
Role Reversal - story
He was making the tan and white bunny squirm under a feather. ainoko was straddling who would normally be his master. his tail was off to the side, tail hole just in front of nystra's mouth.
Episode 13: The Unthinkable
He saw a white rabbit sitting at a desk, wearing the classic blue police man uniform and hat, he stopped writing his document, setting down his pen and sliding away the paper, he cleared his throat, "george watterson." "that's me."
The Kissing Booth
A white bunny approaches him, shyly hiding his arms behind his back and leaned forward presenting his cheek. aren turns the bunny around and kisses him on the lips. the bunny blushes and turns around. aren coughs.
Flora: Epilogue
Finally, the black and white rabbit lifted his black suitcase down onto the sidewalk. "pete!" flora called excitedly. his head jerked toward her, and she waved.
Acceptance: His Last Letter
Then the door was flung open as a white rabbit dressed in black rushed in. "kasten! you won't guess what i just saw! one of the biggest wolves i've ever seen! he was huge... and oh, his color..."
The white rabbit answered in a slightly deep voice for a girl, more noticeable now that she isn't yelling. "someone please explain these nicknames to me.
JTB ch6: Blue Bird
Utsumi white rabbit. often finds himself keeping shibata and seiya in check. referred to as 'utsumin' by shibata.
Kinktober 2018, Day Ten - For My Next Trick...
The white rabbit nodded, smirking as she flicked her wand seemingly out of existence and instead curled a finger towards herself in a beckoning manner.
Breaking My Bimbo In...
Ziggs took a long draught as she eyed the girl beside her - a snow white bunny girl wearing far too much makeup to have come to the bar just to unwind.