Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter twenty-one

It both existed and could not exist. its very being in this world was a paradox that defied reality.

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Physics (Not really a story - Just fun stupidness!)

And within an infinite number of possibilities, anything and everything that can exist, does exist-- "like my dick in your mouth?" the fox asked. the horse ignored him, continuing.

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A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 4

This group, calling themselves the saviors, has decreed that the realms are unfit to exist in, and as such, through their dark, arcane powers, they have decided to release the entity across all realms.

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The Temporal Casualty

While i saved lives, i caused countless others to never exist. i feel like i killed everyone i ever loved, because even if they still exist none of them even know who i am! how am i a fucking hero?!"

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Life, Love, and Happiness

"because we have to do better, to make our existence worth living, and we can't do that from inside our armor." i paused again... "we can't do that without love." "existence... is not enough?"

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What is Hell

In this human existence we live- is this what hell truly is, or is this only purgatory. where true hell is, or is it even known?

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London Entry #1 - First Date - Part 1

And it looks like london doesn't think you exist, all you furs out there. what are you going to do about it? probably nothing, you know, considering you don't exist. sincerely, ianwolf (do any of us really exist? probably not.

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Night of Tales

Merlin was a real man who existed then, he might still exist now for all that i know of the subject." granite waves a claw in the air, "i know nothing of the lifespan of magick users. however, this may mean other species exist as well.

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No such place exists." i said "you are wrong, what's more, you can see it if you want. it exists. always on top of this world, and in some places, they come so close together that you can cross between them if you try."

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I Believe Its Time To Wake Up

The stories that have been told will continue to exist in a plane of existence immaterial; _a prairie of unlimited possibility. _ such a concept is beyond words, beyond the mind of a child. so i sit here and i ask... did i ever truly leave?

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Alpha Contact: The Meeting (PoV scene)

Magic exists, and has existed for millenia. look to your own quantum physics if you don't believe me." i gave the junior human a grin that had nothing of humor or kindness, then turned to the more senior one. "may i ask my leader's name?"

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 1: Guide

Gaea, the earth one which you vaguely feel existed, was long ago. perhaps you remember humanity, the mostly hairless beings that stood on two legs and had thumbs.

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