Fire From the Darkness Chapter 6
He took a key ring off his belt with five different keys on it. each key was made of a dark, almost black metal that looked like coaliron.
Clown Mare 7
He then gave the other two keys to volta and flurris. they all walked up stairs and headed to their rooms for the next day. the last key that shayde gave was the next key to saline.
SR short story: Ava's bad night
Her hands shook in anger as she tried to fish her keys out of the camo gas mask bag that she used as a purse. "god damn it! where the fuck are my keys!?! i knew i should have put the damn things on a with my car keys. fuck!"
The Merrin, part 29
This gets key's attention. _avy?_'s...too much_... _i know, love. i can feel it too. i think i can get the rest of the way myself_. weak and tiring, she pushes herself back up. _okay, i think i'm ready_.
david's college days part twenty
But what happed after david left you ask, and the key?
Bearnard Z: It seeks revenge (Prologue)
"they keys! where the fuck are they..."
Different Circles
The teacher held up a key, jingling it in front of her. "if you're going to be like that, then i won't give you the key to the front doors."
Therapy - Session 3
"for all the keys i have to carry, my car key feels like the king of all the others. it doesn't matter if i have a house key, parent's house key, work backdoor key, or anything else, if i don't have a car key to bring me to those places. right?"
Leo and Vitt chapter 04 - Shopping trip
"give me the keys and follow me." leo hands the keys over again and follows close behind vittel. vittel smashes the keys against the wall, and picks up the steel part, throwing it into the gutter.
EyeWatch: Trainzits
I turned the key.
Just Another Game Night (3/5)
He even found himself stumbling once as he moved over to the first key in order to grab it.
The Joyous Piano (Final Draft)
"i have not the supplies to make the key." the pope raised his hand and the cardinals all silenced. "what is it that you require to make the key to finish this holy piano?