Decisions and Sacrfice Nine
In truth, throttle was more like a son to stoker than either ever admitted to. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* the transporter room. nothing more than a vastly empty space except for the lone transporter of plutarkian design, and bright lights.
Episode 2B: Second
O'bren, do you have a transporter lock?" "aye sir, just got confirmation from the banting's transporter chief." the avian replied. "excellent, energize," harry ordered. with a swirl of energy, they appeared on the banting's transporter pad.
Truth or Dare 11: Hard Truth
- - - commander ross sat quietly on the cargo net style beach that ran around the walls of the transport and down the center of it as well making the transport a cramped place as it was filled with the majority of the crew of the revalon.
The Wolf Hunters - Episode 1 - The Toll of a Slow War, Part 1
Once the translators were properly donned, i switched on my control unit, then made my way to the transporter console. the transporter console was shaped like a squashed narrow horseshoe, with the open end facing the main door.
Heat 14
They both set a heading for the transport. snowy had drawn the dragos away a small distance, the transport had made as much a run for it as the slow vessels engines could manage.
Is That Who I Think It Is?
It didn't give you transportation abilities." "oh." he pins his ear down. "it gave you transportation and time traveling abilities!" "how do we get back?" "i don't know!"
One Memorable Journey Pg.2
An m7 falcon pilot has been assigned to be transport for this mission and in the case you come across hostile units i am authorizing lethal force. you should avoid engagements as best you can though and stick to being hidden.
Soon, he makes it to one of our networks, veins made to transport troops like blood transporting through a body. "shadow," my eye speaks, "because you are part of us, you can use our network to get from place to place.
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 4.3 Bannihar
The leagues of wear and tear finally caught up to the belabored transport as the group made a valiant attempt to outrun the torment.
Smuggle Kitty
The two left the crystal city and caught a transport to the strip. the strip was almost as large as the crystal city; the lights twinkled in the night. night was the time to see it. their transport landed and they exited.
Chapter 9
We have the rest of the seal team with us," master sergeant tucker spoke, "there are three wounded and we don't have any transportation to transport them. my team is on a set timeline and a place we need to get to."
Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter7
The driver leaned out the window of the transport to point towards a line of old, dirty cars which were the only modern transportation used by the people of these cities.