"from president trump this morning: 'violence like this cannot be tolerated. if they want to keep this up, i'll treat them like i treat isis.'
A Patient Death: Epilogue
It led to nothing good, just violence and death. one violent act can only lead to another. i know it might not be a very satisfying ending, not what you expected, no showdown or drama, but i think it's still appropriate.
The rite of initiation
The act became more wild, more violent, the puma's nails ripped the flesh from the coyote's shoulders as he was penetrated.
The Awakening
The powerful foot instantly fell from the sky towards the bay area, a violent shockwave of air preceding its movements as it took aim at the condemned area.
Yakko Now Prefers Bigger Women
And more violent.
Last Light For Los Angeles: Chapter 2 - Hollywood's Final Act, Part Two
Pulling out of their parking spaces, switching on sirens and lights and speeding for what they all hoped would be the last of the violence. in fact it was only just starting.
Family Tree
It was feral, it was almost violent, and it surprised the hell out of me when ayla started bucking and screaming wordlessly all of a sudden.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 130
She still had no idea how any of this started (there were about twenty different stories floating around right now), but from what she could tell, it was a case of violence feeding on violence. a fight broke out somewhere and just spread outward.
I'm Smiling, Why Aren't You?
"it's violent, and we all like violent, but mel is right. this is going to take a little more precision." for weeks, the _gadzooks gang_ and the _southside splinters_ watched in hapless horror as their hideouts were robbed, ransacked, and ruined.
A New Adventure
_Hey! So here is the next chapter and I hope you people i.e readers enjoy it! It would have been up earler today but there was an incident with a spider the SIZE OF MY HAND that pervented me from going in my room all day :/ still parionoid... Anyway...
Those who Walk In Dream - Beginings, Part 1
The eye color was wrong, her father had dark green eyes, this person had a violent shade of lavender, and in this nightmare realm every thing should be black and white.
The Poor Samaritan
The bull's fist missed my jaw by less than an inch. It played out in slow motion bursts, and not where I wanted to. It was the spaces during the pain that slowed down, the pain slipping through my body like shivers. Just my luck that the moments...