Two Hearts Become One
It was thought of as the most romantic of holidays, but for zylen and apollo it was just another excuse to give each other some thoughtful gifts.
Chp) 13 My Brother's Family
Author's Notes: Well chapter twelve, here it is. I have a solid direction for this and I know... it's gotta' lot of drama in the story so far. But it's going somewhere really good I promise! Just a couple of bad things have to happen first. Anyway......
Milk and Cookies
They were fighting again. Not a day went by without Reed's parents getting into a screaming match, but it was especially vicious around the holidays. Reed's decision to take a year off college looked worse every day, but his senior...
Perfect For Two
Peb felt like such an idiot. He had just gotten off the plane, and the first thing he did was discover that he sent his friend to the wrong side of the airport. Okay, maybe in the grand scheme of things, that wasn't such a big deal, but he still felt...
An Amorous Day at the Beach
A short story about night and mhina and a romantic interlude at the beach while on holiday with their family. i hope you enjoy it. "ah...ah...ah...ah!" mhina cried out as her body shivered with ecstasy.
Lonely Little Blue Jay Ch.3
One... two... three... Cielan's little legs carried him down the street as he counted the houses. The morning had been long and frustrating. He couldn't get Lairo out of his mind. His pace quickened. Four... five... six... The sweet...
Mating Like Cats and Dogs- CLEAN
Randal and Brandy were alone in Donna's (formerly Brandy's) house. Both of their pants and underwear were in bundles on the floor. They sat barebottom on the couch. Brandy, the fat white cat, her agitated vagina rested on the couch's fabric. The...
Mental Regression Weekend [2]
The house was still under the enchantment of a dumbening device hiding the basement. All college students living in the house were walking around with a fraction of their usual intelligence. The college students and the wolverine that guided them-...
Hot sunny day on a jungle island
#4 of anthro-balto love-story the four story with balto, kodi, ralph and taku who have sex with their wife during a romantic vacation in hawaii or some other places.
Davu and Savannah's Love Scene
It's my attempt at writing a romantic love scene that's a little more than pg or even pg-13. nothing outrageous and still full of love and tenderness. but, definitely not for young readers. ^^; anyway, i really hope you enjoy it.
Author note: Alternates between story and author. This is just bullshit. Lots of anger boiling up mixed with frustration and it was just one of those days where even I couldn't get any of it out. There was no real explanation as to what brought on...
Road of hills and valleys
I remember the days where we had no worries, no burdens, nothing weighing us down, where we just could be together without worrying about anything or anyone at all like small and innocent children, and it felt not long time ago, as if it was just...