The Reaches of a Dream: Epilogue
"that's the sedative, silly" i chuckled, rubbing my hand against the tank. once more, the gestation tanks at my underground lab were at work.
Maverick Hotel Part 3
Jeanne repeated in muffled growls, until the sedative started working once more. "let me sleep!"
Silver City Aside; Mating Season
I feel horrible about having to keep him sedated like this when he can't help himself."
XIII: Every Beginning Has An End
As the avian addressed the sedated liger, the doctor walked over to the teenager's right arm, turning the saw on again and placing it above the limp wrist.
The sedative would keep him that way for a good two hours yet. eben bent over the unconscious teenager and gently wiped away a small spot of blood which had emerged from the needle's pinprick.
Eventful Beginnings 6
Pavlor was quite uneasy about returning until he was given a small sedative that relaxed him completely. sharven had gotten the sedative from the doctor on board, who was more than happy to hand over something to alleviate pavlor's stress.
Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 3
The sedatives have been purged from your neural structure as part of the cyberization process. i am afraid the disorientation you are feeling is because the process is occurring."
Zootopia: The Initiative - Chapter 2
And, thank goodness that the sedatives that he was apparently on stopped his sense of smell, as well as... well, the rest of him from working properly, otherwise the close proximity might not have been so helpful after all.
Burying Bones Chapter 8: Hatred of the Demon's Spawn
Several chansey are called to sedate her and as she falls back to sleep, a part of her mind reminds her that the child growing inside her is the most innocent of the parties involved.
Pull of the Moon - Chapter 4
"bishop, can't we sedate the thing?" i asked. "sedatives won't work. wereanimal metabolism works the drugs through our systems too fast. it would slow the thing down, but for about three seconds," bishop explained.
Hoppers Story - Chapter Five -
Muscles - and memories turn to nightmares, for the young, frightened whiptail, as he remembers a fateful encounter when he was very young, with a veterinarian - reminded of why he is so sensitive of his nape, and has an almost pathological fear of being sedated
All the time in the world chapter 2
Doc asks the emergency team to sedate her and inform the doctors they have another human on their hands. doc climbs into the ambulance and i head for the hover car and head for the medical center.