Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 20 - To get in touch...
She once told me that i had to get more in touch with my feminine side... so i figured i would show her just how feminine i can be...
A Werewolf's Touch: Part 6 - Meaningless Marriage
#6 of a werewolf's touch zivon dragged into the room a muzzled beast. it snarled with each yank he gave, resilient to being tugged along any further. the beast of laventown was presented to mirabel, it's claws tied behind itself.
A Werewolf's Touch: Part 5 - Neither Now
#5 of a werewolf's touch adela awoke. there was... blood all over her bare self. she wore no clothes, simply covered in bloodstained white fur. how much of the blood was hers, she will never know.
A Werewolf's Touch: Part 4 - Swept Away
#4 of a werewolf's touch "do tell more about these... sightings." said a handsome man to the pudgy barkeep. adela awoke. the light was golden, the sun barely above the hillsides. it was twilight.
A Werewolf's Touch: Part 3 - Frozen In Terror
#3 of a werewolf's touch adela finished her plate with ease. there were only venison bones and cracked eggshells, the former having been picked clean and the later suspiciously leathery.
The Trainer's Touch - Part 1 - A Day on the Farm
This story follows two trainers that shoot their own little 'fun' for a viewing network called 'the trainer's touch'.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 23: A Gentle Touch
"Please, I'll pay 900 silvor!" Taken aback, Kevin's ears and tail shot up straight. He stared at the tiger in front of him in disbelief. The tiger, Gruffydd, was holding his hand and looking up at him with those pleading pantherine eyes. His voice was...
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 63 - A simple touch...
That safe feeling she always gave me when i was little came back with just a simple touch... and i never felt so happy in my life before... 'thank you...' 'for what...?' 'for everything you've ever given me...'
To Touch The Sky Chapter 4: Homeward Journeys
#4 of to touch the sky and here is a chapter 4 i found constructed of parts written during several different time periods. i think this one would be the strangest for me to read as far as to see how my writing has changed over five years.
To Touch The Sky Chapter 3: A Passing Thought
#3 of to touch the sky haji walked into the store, as he did most every day, debbie was waiting in her usual checkout isle and there was a new guy working register 2: a shifty-eyed raccoon that looked just like the villain from an old horror movie
To Touch The Sky Chapter 2: Breaking Point
#2 of to touch the sky matthew beamed when cathrine suggested lunch. he glanced down at his watch, the time was 1:36 p.m. "i'll see you there. if i catch the next bus i can get there by two. bye cat. i love you too. bye."
To Touch The Sky Chapter 1: Beginning the Change
#1 of to touch the sky matthew casually walked into the corner grocer, his grey head-fur ruffled and out of sorts, an obvious case of bed-head.