Midnight Stroll
His hard canine dick begins to swell bigger inside her. she moans uncontrollably, lost in complete bliss from the feeling of his growth. lukey tries to move her arm, but it's being pinned down too roughly to adjust now.
Puppy Mill Ch. 3
The two canine lovers were inexperienced, but they made up for it with enthusiasm, exploring every inch of each others mouths.
Like A Stuck Fox (Art + story)
Sure enough the fox soon saw the shape of the canine, the huge german shepherd who inhabited this lot, as they made their way closer.
Wild West Fuck
Leaving the two canines to wonder what that weird canine had in store for the weekend.
Wet Otter
The taped canine cock ending in a thick knot, hot and needy. "feel how much i want you?" asked max. it wasn't a question needing answering. suddenly a flexible canine tongue lapped across his ear. it belonged to his lover paul.
Selestral 1 - Genros Vermächtnis - Kap 24+25
Kapitel 24 „Nun, vielleicht statten wir unseren Göttern einen Besuch ab. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass die ihre Jungen nach mittlerweile achthundertfünfzig Jahren vergessen haben." Chiron pfiff leise. „Ein kühner Plan." „Mag sein, aber nicht...
Selestral 1 - Genros Vermächtnis - Kap 17+18
Kapitel 17 Die Sonne schickte sich an, sich über das am Horizont liegende Gebirge zu erheben und ihre wärmenden Strahlen auszuschicken. Unsere wackeren Krieger pellten sich nur mühsam aus den Betten. Die Aufregungen und der Stress der letzten Tage...
Selestral 1 - Genros Vermächtnis - Kap 9+10
Kapitel 9 Am nächsten Morgen trafen sich alle auf dem Dorfplatz und marschierten gemeinsam zum Flussufer, wo die Drachen ruhten. „Guten Morgen, Tiger Cyron", rief Groodarn erfreut. „Was habt ihr als nächstes vor?" „Wir fliegen ins Gebirge, dort...
Robbery and Revenge 2
His canine cropped ears were back, and his tail still and sagged on the ground. john felt his own ears go back. "ah...four years? maybe ten.
Yamato and I... (part one)
Where that bastard purple canine! wolf b : it not here aniki! wolf a : find them and i will ask some of my gang to guard the entrance! wolf b : alright,aniki! inodoru : this is bad..they everywhere..
From The Wolf's Mouth (Part 3)
Orange fur covered the face he saw within the mirror, two large canine ears perked on top of his head, a large tuft of fur wrapped itself around the neck of the canine.
L'arc The Bloaty Lion:Beer Keg
"come on, we're gonna be late!" shouted the short black wolf as he pounded on front door, "I'm coming, keep your mane on!" came the somewhat irritated response from inside. The door flew open and L'arc the Lion stepped out,his scruffy mane of hair...