A Moment of Impulse - Chapter 2

**A Moment of Impulse** _ **Chapter 2** _ --- Shema groaned and flung herself towards the edge of the bed, grabbing for the alarm clock as she did so. The red glow spelled "2:53 AM" and Shema grabbed it and threw it across the room,...

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Kangal (M/F)

Kangal by Tredain "Are you sure about this honey?" she asked again, about the third time now. The slim retriever smiled back and took her paw in hand to give it a reassuring pat. "Of course hon, you know the price doesn't matter, this guy came...

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Paradise lost

So my mate _isn't_ cheating on me with who i thought was my best friend?!" neki flattened his ears and lowered his head. there was nothing to say to make this better, it was bad.

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Cuckolding her son, Coming Home

She did feel some measure of guilt for cheating on him, but all those nights he blew her off to play fantasy football with his friends largely vindicated the neglected housewife. "james home?" colin asked. "yes hun, he's in his room. are you hungry?

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Housepets: Curse of the Werenut

You're so far behind me at this point, you'll have to cheat to catch up with me!"  she eyed the gryphon suspiciously, "you haven't decided to cheat, have you?" "cheat is such a strong word," pete shrugged, rolling his eyes. 

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Schande's Story-Chapter 10

I cheated on you!" schande: "j.j., you didn't cheat on me. you're gay, so if you cheated on me, you'd have to get it on with another guy." j.j. hugged schande tightly. schande hugged him back. schande: "so, have either of you told your parents?" j.j.

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A seminar.

"so it's okay to cheat your customers?" she asks cautiously. in a snarl i snap my jaws at her from the stage. "no! it is not okay to cheat your customers. always treat them with kindness and respect. always.

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Werewolf Wake Version 1.10+

Who is the killer werewolf/werewolves and the order of deaths are randomized at the start of each game if you are not playing in the cheat mode. note: this game contains death scenes, but they aren't heavily detailed or graphic.

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Running of the balls 2

And thusly a sigh of relief fell on the rat who was first and the wolf second, and the goat now last because he cheated, and in this running the podiums that people stand on are reversed first stands on the lowest second stays where he is and last stands

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Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 3

"you've cheated on me! that's the worst experience i've ever had! i don't want to be here anymore! now go out and..." "what?! cheated on you? i've never cheated on you!

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Dave the Desextive: Thar He Blows!

If it was someone else, he'd prove that brock was cheating on allison. _but even if he weren't, wouldn't that mean brock's cheating on her with me?_ "shut up," he scolded himself. "you're not cheating on him. you're just... investigating.

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Dammit, Ropes

#1 of my husband's girlfriend - a cheating/cuckolding series when your husband is a cheat, that's a problem. when you're husband is a cheat and catching him in the act turns you on, that's something altogether different.

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