Wolf Moon Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Please rate, commit, fav, and watch "A Night Which I Ought to Howl" I lay in my bed trying to get her out of my head on a Friday night. It was pissing me off that every time I close my eyes her face would...
Chapter 26: First Kiss
Chapter 26: First Kiss Just as Zalia had told Kilyan earlier that morning, there was new grass up in the pastures: fresh spring grass forcing its eager way through the last slushy puddles of snow, the first grass of the warm seasons. The...
Pikachu's Unexpected love 2(COMPLETE STORY)
Raspberry Line Chapter 20
Emeral sat on her bed, tumbling the little red phone between her palms, and tumbling Ket's last, few little words in her mind. _I'll call your cell later..._ Back... front... ...
Lonely Oak Chapter 11
The world was noire. Pre-dawn light refracted across the clouds, as if the sky were a swatch of the deep ocean and the sun barely breached through the surface of the waters. Houses were without color nor feature, signs without...
The Analog Kid
It was just another one of those boring, endless summer days where nothing important ever seems to happen for the young fox. There was a wind blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean, the luxurious, almost motherly, warmth that only comes to the lucky...
The Only Moment We Were Alone
Seth sat in his rigid desk in his dark history classroom, leisurely looking out of the second-story window. He stared at the blue sky and watched the clouds drift as boringly as he was at the moment. The calming breeze made its way into...
Stranger Part 5A
!!IMPORTANT!!: After reading this, go directly to CHAPTER 5, PART B. Skip 'Chapter 5 Extra'. 'Chapter 5 Extra' is after Chapter 5 Part B in the storyline. Sorry for any confusion. So, read the story like this: This chapter-Chapter 5B-Chapter 5 Extra. ...
Light and Karah Series: A Night Alone (Part 2)
Light and Karah Series: A night Alone (Part 2) Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, or anything associated to Pokemon. This story is also not intended for audiences under 18-21 years of age, due to sexual content between the two main characters. All...
From Un-caring to passionate
The room was filled with silence and suddenly a loud clanking which sounded like someone was banging metal insanely, two parents rushed to the teen's room wondering what in the world was the noise. When they found the source of the noise they realized...
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 10: Smoke
Chapter 10 - Smoke "Thank you." "It is at least I can do for you" Cynder grinned and flapped her wings and lifted herself above ground and flew atop of mushrooms. Spyro did the same. "Oh brother... this rate they gonna kill me from...
Before Breakfast
Before Breakfast - A story that's been in the back of my mind for ages, finally got pen to paper and decided to write it... Hoping to remotivate myself to write more often. Hope you all enjoy. I'm really not sure where to begin,...