Children of Earth - Part 2

A good half mile back from the battle line, the airborne's artillery section sets its gun along the right angles and opens up.

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Resistance Fall of Man: MLP-The Equestrian Front.

The vtol approached the ruins of what appeared to be a small street although it was difficult to identify due to the fact that the street was full of artillery craters and ruins.

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Pheonix (Chapter 1)

We practically sprinted out of the cave, just as two artillery shells smacked into the side of the alp. we both hit the deck as soon as rocks and dirt and plants came tumbling down onto us.

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The Gates of Hell II- Flashpoint

So to ensure it didn't fall they had given the company's forward observation officer full authority to call on the 205mm rail assisted howitzers stationed in hades' artillery park.

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Meet Me in Deep Space (Patreon)

It also had a more impressive array of artillery that ran across the wings of its design, of which was reminisce of a bird of pray. the girl noticed the newcomer right away and snapped to attention.

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Battle In Athens

The chinese high command was nearly panicked, a full sixty percent of their artillery was gone, the interlocking artillery batteries had taken a toll on nato air power, but now many of them were just smoking piles of rubble and torn corpses.

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Kapitel 1 - Eisige Weiten - Piraten

Noch hält das schild, aber die artillerie ist schwerer als erwartet. die kampfgruppen bekommen die vermuteten koordinaten des feindes für einen gegenangriff mitgeteilt. wir haben bisher vier stellungen ausgemacht.

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Carpe Noctem

The light tapping of automatic gunfire could be heard in the distance coupled with the fragmented screams of the wounded and the deep booming of the artillery shells. the boxes were crushed beneath him and stuck into him at odd angles.

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After the warm assault of cum artillery i basked in all the new feelings, etching everything i could into my memory. he didn't speak, he might've though i was asleep.

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Settling The Score

Cannons fired from all over the ground but with fox's amazing pilot skills they were easy pickings while tamati handled the rest of the artillery, thanks to the suits bio enhancers his strength had beend tripled, making him strong enough to rip a tank in half

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Janner's tale 4-Cheating

It was only by chance that the orks managed to create this, as they were originally trying to fix one of their artillery pieces.

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The Banished Wars - Volume Three

The fleet didn't expect for a small squadron to get in that close, and when sky had destroyed the engines and weapons' ports of one the flagship, the fleet overcompensated and opened their artillery to fire on the small and nimble single fighters.

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