
She'll forgive and forget all unkindness they've shown this poor old mother who sits alone

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Upon the moon: lifes second chance

I looked out of the window again i... can never forget? seires... so... he says that i can never forget... thus he can help me? i looked back at him. "so if i can't forget... then you could help me?"

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A Colorful Month 6

Going to treble in the city square, talking to him about being hypnotized, wanting to be made a bit dumb and forgetful for a while, but not actually forgetting what he was doing.

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A husky's Downpour

You were something i wish to forget you are a nobody you get no name. i hate you, but now i want to think of the downpour you left me in.


How Do you Confront Hatred? Poem.

#3 of poems episode 165 naruto shippuuden minutes 13 - 19 and the 19th minute the gates to despair open pulling you stronger than a black hole, forget about having hope light can escape, forget about hope being able to escape these words.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 85 - The point of our existence...

.'\> \<'moving on with your life doesn't mean you should forget... never forget where you came from and what you've been through... but most importantly, never forget your loved ones...

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The Broken Man

#15 of poetry cold skies and shivering sighs; lonely nights and dimmed lights; a bit of wine to help pass the time; to make me forget that i've lost what was mine shadowed walls and empty halls; blinking reminder: ten missed calls; another drink

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You can forget everything in your life, one way or another. you can forget friends, loved one, events, etc...but you cannot escape one thing: your shadow.

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the days of school-3

"how could i forget." mat then started to wag his tail really hard when she reached into her bag. "wow your really excited aren't you" mat nodded as fast as he could. jamie then pulled out two coffee's and a chess set. "yay!!!"

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The Clockwork Falcon - part 5: Return Flight

Don't forget to compensate for the angular drag when you dip the wings!" the professor shouted over the roar of rushing wind, "easy now, not so fast!"

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Encounter with a Human, Part 1

His father told him to forget about it. well, there was a problem, he couldn't forget about it. he really desired to meet a human. aspis turned around, revealing his belly to the sky.

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Last Dawn

We could forget everything here and have each other." the light in glenn's face shown only for a moment before a shadow fell over him. "no alex, i would be a burden to you. if another attacked us, you could not defend us both.

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