The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Jackie and I sit on the curb just outside the alleyway leading back to the loading docks. To our right, a swarm of police, emergency personnel, and the usual cavalcade of reporters and other gawkers mills about. The Black Maria is...

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The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 22

Chapter 22 I'm glad I let him drive. My legs actually hurt a lot more than I had anticipated. Jesus, they ache. And no amount of massaging and positive thoughts can make it go away. Jackie asks a couple of times if we should stop, but I shake my...

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The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Getting him out of the car isn't the hard part. The hard part is getting him up several stories and through an apartment building filled with nothing but prey animals. And at first, it goes well, even though Jackie can't keep his paws...

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The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 26

Chapter 26 The old Linen Club appears transformed by day. Not that much is truly changed by afternoon light; it's just the way that the sun illuminates every nook and cranny on the large brick building that makes it look more aged than I...

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The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 25

Chapter 25 I wish I'd stop lying to myself. After driving around for twenty minutes, pretending that I had something better to do, I end up on the street in front of Jackie's apartment. I know I said I didn't care what happened to him, but that...

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The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 24

The only thing it lacks is a girl with a heavenly voice singing in latin. the piece goes on and on, never switching over to the actual answering machine. in the background, police sirens and gunfire wail.

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven P5

#5 of dragon heaven it's all starting to come together now... or maybe it's falling apart? that's something you'll have to be the judge of.

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven P4

He couldn't even remember how he had gotten to bed, though that wouldn't be the first time since he had joined dragon heaven that he had done so.

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven P3

#3 of dragon heaven life comes at you fast, one day you're dressing up like a dragon next day you're looking at changing your whole life around the concept.

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven P2

"no one gets into dragon heaven unless they happen to be a dragon."

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven P1

#1 of dragon heaven this is a rather long story that will be turned into a book, a guy gets bothered by his friends to join him in a rubber club with a very particular set of rules... namely that one must be in a rubber dragon suit to even get in.

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven P7

"do you think that we may be a bit premature in getting dragon heaven involved in their lives?

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