Poor boi's pleasure
hooves had explained to him, that a lot of guys would get off on him not liking what they were doing to him. and in fact the taste of the monkeys cock was more objectionable than tod's or hooves had been.
Within Josh
Poor Boi's plan...
Finally he decided to have a long talk with hooves about it...
The truth dawns... Possession Chapter 7
As officer jonny pushed deeper in, cameron climbed to his hooves and moved around in front of toby. the big antelope smiling down as he caressed the wolfs white muzzle. "want one in each end?"
Rough Trade… Konu gets a invitation for some rough play... but things aren't quite what they seem...
Rough Trade... The big muscular Badger sat sipping his drink slowly at a corner booth, looking out over the crowded...
Of Loss and Gain Possession Chapter 6
As officer jonny pushed deeper in, cameron climbed to his hooves and moved around in front of toby. the big antelope smiling down as he caressed the wolfs white muzzle. "want one in each end?"
A small Quest... Konu is traveling through a small out of the way village with a problem... and is asked to give them a hand with it...
Across from them. a white bearded older satyr awoke and climbed to his hooves. moving off a short ways to empty his bladder and retrieve a bulging wine shin...
Honeys not so Quiet night...
Even as his big brown ball bag bulged, around the big hard hoof pressing down in the center of it. "go fuck yourself old steer."
Designated driver Architect of revenge
As that big paw yanked the little goat off his hooves and into the darkened storeroom. "errr... hi jerome..." "whats going on?"
New Adventures in Possession Loss of ones self Chap 5
Davor leaped up and pranced around the room on her hard hooves fearfully. but her killer was gone... the big rhino had orgasmed into her corpse and left.
The Bad Sport... Konu needs a sparing pardner and a certain big overly proud and confident stallion steps in...
And instead threw out a hard hoof that just managed to glance off the badgers shin... konu's eyes narrowed dangerously as that hard hoof cracked off his shin bone hard enough to bruise.