Conversion side story: The New Client

He pointed at the room with the bodyswap tank. "why didn't you say anything when i was giving you all that shit?" pam asked.

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Caring for Cumsluts: A Practical Guide

Make sure that prolonged use of whatever sort of spunk you plan to use will not turn your cumslut into a monster that will mindcontrol, bodyswap, transform, and/or eat you. moreover, demonic spooge is incredibly likely to turn your cumslut pure evil.

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Tagged for null, bodyswap, skunk spray (kinda), corruption and out-of-control tf and some swarming, splitting, multi tf; it has lots of names. written in feb 2021. quite interested in this sort of setting and theme. <3 would you like to see more?

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More Than Endure

Your body hungers for air, making you gasp, sharply inhaling whatever mixture this station's administrators considered optimal. A feeling of panic overcomes you just the moment after as you realize that everything is dark. Then you remember. The...

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Of Foxes and Ferrets Chapter 1: Strange Awakenings

I awoke with a groan, and immediately clutched at my head... I had the absolute worst fucking migraine. It took me several long seconds to get my bearings, and start to look around... I was sitting on the floor, in the middle of a bathroom stall, with...

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A Sabrewolf Encore (1/4)

Vyrnen relaxed on the sunny beach of the latest world that he had visited, the nanite dragon relaxing with the sun that shined on his synthetic skin. Though it was a tropical paradise with a gentle surf lapping against the sand his mind was definitely...

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Warning: this story contains strong themes of objectification and degradation, much more so than is typical of stories in my gallery. If you dislike those things, please do not read. Also, if you feel that anyone should be objectified and degraded in...

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Conversion 4: Couriers

"long story short, i gave them designs for a system for using bodyswap tanks to install certain implants. putting it to use might involve revisiting some legislation of the technology, and it's really inefficient in most cases.

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Kobold Week: Swapped Vanity

Vareth wobbled unsteadily on his feet, his body and mind seeking to grasp at two things that were wildly at odds with one another. Height and weight diminished, his head spun and he felt as if he were nauseous for a brief, sickening moment before the...

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Dragon By Day P1

The sun was just starting to set over the mountain range surrounded by forest, the rich orange light reflecting off the stony walls of the cliffside. It illuminated two creatures that walked along the trail that led up it; an elf in front with a...

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Switching Sides

Rook let out a slight sigh as he drove home, rubbing his head as he waited for the traffic in front of him to move. Since it was Friday it made the wait even worse as he tried to get back to his house, getting as much distance as he could away...

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This Doesn't Make Sense at All! (TF/TGs)

The lights on the stage lit up, giving off a nifty and exciting light show as spotlights shone all over. As one of the spotlights shone on a man on the left side of the stage, an male announcer spoke. "In the Red Corner, we have our first contestant,...

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