Break Out!

Once again, same warnings as always; please do not read if you are underage, or if you do not like yiff. Other wise please enjoy the story. Also, be sure to rate and comment. Dreamy Husky Imagine a world, where humans...

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It All Ends

The plane began to shake, and he saw the terror in the cubs' eyes, and the fear that consumed all on the plane as it slowly began to nose dive into the water.

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The breakup

I tried my best to calm the pups, but to no avail. we hit the ocean and a surge of water rushed in. we were all consumed by the ocean.

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She Met Me at the Beach

so, same kinda warning, do not view if under age, or if you so not enjoy yiff. i do not own any of the charcters, any likeness if completely coincidental. otherwise, read on, and plz be nice, its my first story., it about how my girlfriend picked me...

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Double Stuff

Kay wiggled his butt with a pouty face and doing his best impression of a sad puppy. shaun, as if almost in a trance, scooted forward his eyes plastered on the plump ass in front of him. he gingerly lifted his paws before withdrawing them back.

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Tiger Story Chapter 2

"no need to fear, cub," he began, putting a heavy emphasis on the word cub, "daddy has nothing to hurt you with here.

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Everyone Has A Secret: part 2

Taylor wove his way through the sea of freshman, trying to stay undetected. Of course having one of the more popular seniors walking through the section of freshman classes wasn't the sneakiest of ways. He clutched a book to his chest, scanning the...

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CVF: Chapter One

Beginning of the Fall Another cold night, it's always cold. Nothing's been the same, and it's always getting worse. The wolf tried his best to keep his hoodie on top of his head to keep his ears warm but the strong wind kept blowing it off. Growling...

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Fun in the Desert (Part 2)

I know this is long in coming, work has me busier than usual. sorry for the delay, but here is part 2, at least what i have written of it, to satisfy the requests i have gotten for a continuation. its a little short, but should hold everyone over...

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The Awesomeness of Skydiving

Foreword: Skydiving is an awesome experience! Don't let this story scare you from one of the best experiences of your life! Please enjoy! =P Anxiously crouched atop the end of a picnic table, his feet dangling...

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Clay and Josh (Part 4)

"Holy shit! What time is it?!" Josh sprung up from alongside his lover on the floor in horror. The morning sun shone brightly through the livingroom window, illuminating the rolling hills and deep river valleys around Clay's house...and...

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Clay and Josh (part 3)

At that instant the Earth was torn asunder, then was reborn. Every blade of grass that defied to move was reanimated, swaying to and fro in the wind, which had once again begun to blow softly. The fog, too, began to swirl and...

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