Dinner out 2
This time she used the edge, and the chocolate cracked, something a thick and vital red oozing up. she gave a happy little gasp and dug her spoon into the wound, widening the fracture until she got a good-sized shard of chocolate out.
A trainer's story [13]
It had been a while since the last time he got to eat chocolate. "you want some to, lucario?" jake asked, then before lucario could even answer, he cracked the chocolate bar and gave the pokemon half of it, "here you go."
Tales of the Traveller, Chapter 5- For Evil to Triumph
"it's just that chocolate, any chocolate, has a very strong effect on my people." "what sort of effect?" max asked. "you don't want to know." "yes, i do." said max, firmly. the wolf-man paused, and then spoke.
New Found Feedback
But she'd left out a glass of chocolate milk on the counter. mmm... thick, rich, sweet, warm chocolate milk. naomi blinked as she'd gulped the last of it down. warm? why was it warm?
He was sitting on a couch, eyes closed with his arms crossed over his brown shirt, listening to the boom-box that rested beside the hot chocolate.
Happy Easter
The four loves kiss created a maelstrom of pink energy that summoned bunnymund, carrying a bazooka that shot axes made of chocolate.
AVMC Chapter One - Shire Seducer
"i hope that otter gets a belly ache from all that chocolate..."
Fat Cats Need Love Too
I smelt the chocolate aroma coming from the box and the deep hunger grew further. i didn't know if i could wait long enough to get to the grocery store.
Kicking Back
His gut slowly began to grow after just about a minute of the chocolate being forced down his gullet.
Transcendence Chapter 5
"who wants chocolate cake!?"
As johnny comes down from his bliss he begins taking stock of the fact that during his release, david had squirted lines of the chocolate sauce over him. "was the sauce really necessary?"
Fates of the Unicorns 76 - Lover's Day
Oara handed tamira a small box of chocolates, figuring it was smart to stay on the good side of anyone with power. especially since master had ordered her to learn sadistic skills.