Old Alliances: Chapter 2

The fate of the crusade of man was tied to the fate of the men who fought beneath and on the walls of naxwell.

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The Tale of Teàrlach Part 6

But then the pope had called for a crusade. bryce had initially decided not to go, wanting to stay home with his beloved willa, but when richard announced his expedition, the badger dutifully joined in. willa had watched her husband leave for the coast.

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Slave Maker

"at first, then probably the crusaders or at lest a few other females in town. i'm working on enhanced versions for the alicorns." spike grinned. "i'm going to have the largest harum in draconic history."

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Biography of Akechi Akio

He is warp's greatest ally, and from the diary of daniel tonraq we have this statement:                "i may have been the one out in the field, putting my life in danger, but without akio's brilliance, i would never have lived as long as i have on this crusade

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Deleted Scenes - Pokemon Prologue.

A conflict that saw both sides seeing human's and pokémon fighting and dying at each other's hands in the name of greed disguised as righteous crusades against the evil that was the opposing army.

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The Battle for Azure Part 2: Destroyer

She knew it was only a matter of time before the crusade made some sort of move... but to travel at night was too risky. somehow, she had to protect them here.

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North and South Chapter 5: The Signs

According to our intelligence, he serves as a relic hunter under the crusade, collecting mysterious objects for them for an unknown purpose.

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Once a Year

Lastly, the cutie mark crusaders came forth. scootaloo then asked, "hey, james? i'm gonna go to sweetie belle's place to do a little cutie mark crusaders research. i'll head home as soon as we're done, ok?"

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Rainbow Dash's Best Prank Ever!

Hanging out with rainbow dash all the time made it nearly impossible for her to find time for her crusader friends. the three found time to hang out when they could, but it had been ages since they were able to go out on a major crusade.

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Chapter 4: Wolf trap

The zenith of fulfillment for both lunbiv and begulf, even when they are still family and there is no need for another meaningless crusade. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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