Evil Quill-Weave:First Caper Part 2
Then she remembered the night's disaster and realized she was still naked. somebody had been in here and put those clothes out for her. she closed her eyes and fought to make circumstances different by sheer willpower. it didn't work.
Pelten's Journal: Of Sources and Demons
Now, i am unsure of where these natural disasters come from, but that is exactly what they can be described as natural disasters.
Life is Always Changing,
But working on my deck brought back happy memories of my old friends from before the disaster. a card game... who knew it could make me happy.
Survival: Part 1: The Beginnings.
To say this was the result of a disaster would be a major understatement.
CE04 - places
There is no formal diplomatic training for mercenaries, but the ones that utilize magic pacts with monsters all basically get lucky and manage to not create a diplomatic disaster.
A Different Pokemorph Adventure
"region after region, problem after problem, disaster after disaster..." hero started to walk to her. "my family and the smaller clans that work for us have_always_ kept the legends in check.
Evil Rises- Chapter Nine
"we're the white disaster, the white disaster... yo, yo, yo." the scene changed to dash and lyon dancing the new routine that had been created for them. the words 'white disaster' flashed briefly on the screen then the video ended.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 14
"and you expect me to keep that natural disaster of a wolf in check 'till then? all by myself?" "what natural disaster? you mean hezzi?" hezzi looked up from the breadbox and smiled, two big hot cross buns impaled on his canines, side by side.
Gal's Gone Wild: Durango Chapter 1
I was pissed as hell as my stupid roommate stayed glued to the video screen watching some damn disaster shit. i'm trying to get dressed and fight the angriest headache in all of mankind.
Exile - Chapter 2: His Story
"Just great Gabriel, you've done it again!" , Gabriel said to himself. What a bloody genius he was. He had been told to cooperate, but no, he just had to try to escape. Not only did he fail, but he barely got two feet before being harshly reminded...
Hope; Belief. (Prologue)
"_ _"man has been known to cause disaster. some is made of pure idiocy, others, sheer spite."_ _"myself? i have always believed in hope....
Safe Spaces
We speak of peace without acknowledging disaster. and in those places where our fear lives, those trapped find no solace in our words.