Queen Muz-Ra #5
When i visit outside the palace, i try to forget that i am also the jarl." | [!
Last Minute Surprises
Before i forget, i'd like to give you this." _he then held a metal box out to me, which seems to be a cookie jar, according to the drawing. but i suspect something fishy here._ "mr.
Tik Tik at the Pooka's Pool 4
"no, i do not forget anyone. everyone i've made loved to, i remember. everyone i've faced in a sexual contest i've recalled. everyone i've fucked or has fucked me is vivid in my mind. i may never see some of them again, but i do not forget them.
Goodbye: before i go, give me a kiss i know i'll be dreaming about your coming back my life will no be the same now that your gone how could i forget you?
Dating An Heir (Pt 2)
Don't forget, they will love you no matter what. they're your parents, after all." "that guarantees nothing, junior. you forget that a quarter to almost half of homeless youths are members of the lgbt community.
forget it. forget what anyone might think or hear or see.
Feelings (Terminator Genisys) Rated M
''i know you are but i cant forget what you are.'' sarah said finally, walking away from him. one week later...... sarah needs to forget, forgetting is easy but no matter what she does she cant get that kiss out of her mind.
Mind Control Story: Unsecured Sound Test
_she never forgets these things. might forget her clothes, but never a date._ after a few minutes, he managed to get it to a setting that he hoped would work.
Even though you're gone i can still feel you near i cry myself to sleep every single night every moment i still hold dear with me your memories shall remain until i find a way to kill my pain and in my sorrow i drown once again i try to forget
Being Human
To humans' fault, our worst mistake is that we're busy searching, so they forget that we're an animal, and you forget that you're human. you take no heed to your science as you shave off all your fur.
Tormented Soul
There have been time that i just want to forget. forget everything that has happened to me. but i can't. i must recall everything that happened. recall every lie that they have told my people. i must free them from the cross.
One Step Forward
Her sibling was notorious about forgetting important dates and hadn't been on time for a birthday since she was sixteen.