Beachside Thought

I cast a gaze out into the blackness and picture what lies over that horizon. well, where i guess where the horizon is. i wonder what horizons my friends will see, and whether who will get there, or end up chasing it untill they fall.

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Kruphix's Insight

But kruphix was the god of horizons, and some things were never meant to be known. no matter how far you travel, there is always another horizon. except here, at the last horizon. "yes," she said.

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EyeWatch: Ticker Fronts

My eyes stared out towards the horizon, watching the stars twinkled and burn brightly with the moon hiding behind the blackness in front of it.

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Treter: Sources of Christmas

When we pulled away, he gaze towards other parts of our horizon and cupped our paws, calling out towards westli. yet someone else had heard us and stepped forward.

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Lost At Sea

That was what i dreamed as we raced onward toward the horizon and my grip about him tightened. soon... oh so soon the wonderful dream would be over.

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Heart of a Wolf

Sitting up, the first thing that i see is, a few hundred metres distant, a forest that extends from horizon to horizon, the peak of a mountain just visible above the canopy.

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Dark Skies, Part III: Touching Base

Keeping the _red horizon _level i tapped a button and said, "nir, can you take over while i get ready for landing?" the bodiless android promptly replied with, "of course master."

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The Codex Chapter 1: The colossus

The gray scaled dragon naga sat down next to his lover and dear friend, their paws holding while they stared blankly into the horizon. " you think it's a trap?" scy spoke, his eyes fixed on the darkening horizon.

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He scanned all around himself, trying to see if something was different on the horizon. but there wasn't. it was as barren out here as it was inside. even the air was still, as he could not feel the wind brushing against his scales.


Reaver - Chapter 3. Race War

After some consideration and more than one look at the horizon he finally put them both away. "about four days back to azerbard" he grunted. "that's if we keep this wind behind us.

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Impulsive job change

I asked blue horizon "hear what?" "like a clank or thud from outside. let's see what that was" i said slightly concerned, getting up from the dinning chair with blue horizon.

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"i cannot wait, your grace, for this year's horizon ceremony," quintin said with a playful grin and looked around.

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