Hypnovember 2023 Day 6: Restrained
Though minotaur was a large beast, it was clear this canine was even larger, the reflections' eye staring down from on high in the reflection.
Guilty Pleasure
Sevas couldn't tell what, but his reflection didn't look exactly like him. he lifted his left arm, and so did the reflection. he lifted his right arm, and the other sevas did the same.
The Jester Among Dragons
reflective-black approached him. "we have other matters to discuss. personal matters." "i don't--" "tel'el could tell, and so can everyone in the hall. the treaty comes second to this." a'ex was scenting reflective-black's cock from a distance.
Untouchable: Chapter 39: Haunted : Sean
He's lying right there too," i said to my reflection."
The Lead Crown: Ch 1b, Martyrdumb (Pt 3)
"i am a lowly servant of the thrice blessed holy one." the cat announced to the reflection. "you are an object..." the mirror spoke back to the acolyte, "something to be owned." the reflection smiled condescendingly. "no."
The Power of Self-Love
The dinosaur concluded, beaming as her reflection nodded along in perfect agreement. with that said though, she fell silent. both jessie and her reflection had nothing more to say, eager for their actions to speak louder than their words.
The Magic Mirror Maze
This was about the time he looked up and noticed his reflection. staring back at him was a life size plush version of him. jake froze starring at the reflection. every movement he made, the reflection copied.
Peer Mirror
The body feels odd, patches of skin feeling strange and clothes are off, but you ignore your body, fully fixated on the reflection. your hands come into contact with the surface of the mirror, and the reflective glass is unusually warm.
She gestured to their reflection again. "all that matters is that you only see the truth." "margaret, what are the lies?" miliki wanted to know.
New Property (1/3)
As he approached, he realized that the wolf appeared throughout all the reflections, but anything closer than the seventh reflection was nearly invisible.
Playing goddess chapter 2
My reflection returned to being just my reflection so i walked out of the bathroom into the living room with the intentions of making my way into the kitchen when my reflection appeared in front my me. "holy fuck woman!
"and the reflection changes, reflects the world around you as it passes by you, as you pass by it.