I brace myself for the next hit "screw you" he doesn't wait stabbing the 5 inch long knife straight down into my paw "ahhhhhhhhhhh" he leaves the knife in my paw blood slowly trickling out while a stab of shock runs through my arm with each slight movement
Chapter 6: The Losses
As he, in his fear, turned to see who screamed craig took the opportunity to stab alfred through his heart but didn't took in the possibility that alfred might have moved more than just turning so instead of stabbing through the fatal point he stabbed through
The Start Of My Life
I then used the last of my strength to grab it and then lunge at the dragon, stabbing him in his leg as it pierced the skin and went though his leg and stuck out the other end.
Five Minus Four Nights at Freddy's (Halloween Special)
"how did you get this wound", haru asked as he placed a bandage on it; "foxy stabbed me with his hook hand; that's how i got it."
Humble Beginnings
stabbing repeatedly into father's penis, and testicles. the stabbing became so feirce, that father's pubic bone broke under the pressure. zuko began to laugh uncontrollably, and yet tears ran down his face.
Unintended Intruder - 06
"he... he fucking tried to rape me... and i stabbed him... i fucking stabbed him!" "whoa... abby..." "a lot marcy! i stabbed the shit outta him! he's dead marcy! he's fucking dead!" "okay, slow down!" marcy shouted and then reigned in her voice.
A Mission Of Duo
Lilthian grabbed the guard whom he stabbed and threw him in the way of the blade.
Icebound - Chapter 11
Pain stabbed through his face. it felt like someone had grabbed his lower jaw and was pulling his teeth out out by the roots. a scream tore its way out of his throat.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 33
She stabbed the back of her hand, again and again, gouging out the flesh. gouts of blood splattered across her knees. ander winced, but thankfully didn't try anything stupid.
The Rise And Fall of the Shapeshora. Prelude
But he was too late, the hooded being stabbed draven through the chest and drops the now lifeless body. wolfe spins around as he hears his mother cry out in pain as one of the alphas bites off her arm.
Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 11: Darkness
He had several stab wounds gushing blood profucly. when it dripped on the floor it just sizzled and evaporated. it was horrible. natsu shivered and muttered"so cold why is it so cold?" "i'll um take him downstairs.
Wakeing up
You stabbed alec in the neck and he grabbed the knife and stabbed you. he must have hated right to his death. the distraction was enough for me to knock out the tiger and we made our escape." such simple words for what was a traumatic ordeal.