Spoopy Short

Alan Wallace was never one for fantasy. The dingo didn't believe in the supernatural. He had spent his entire life up to this dark point focusing on reality, the tangible; logic won out over everything. It had earned him a good comfortable living, if...

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Short Revenge

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Short Revenge** "She is Kallie,...

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Short and Sweet.

The demon sighed, placing the classical guitar that he had recently acquired off to the side. He locked his fingers together, before staring dead center although nothing was there. "I've been having this reoccurring dream lately and I can't even come...



Rhythm Grind, thrust, squeeze. Grind, thrust. The world stopped for a moment, just a fraction of a second long enough for Troy to regain his senses, long enough for the tiger to feel the lupine shaft embedded deep under his tail and the lapine sex...


Short Circuit

_Author's Notes: This is my third story uploaded to the site, and I think I might be getting the hang of this. I still need to work on my word repetition, but I'm making steps in the right direction. As usual, please e-mail me with your comments! ...

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The Short Fire

I set myself on fire for a warmth unfelt. Left to burn, never attended to. Smoldering in a world unseen, blind eyes hover aimlessly. A diminishing light never once known; violently extinguished in many swift, routine acts. The short fire was pain,...

Short Order

"Order up!" I don't think there's any word in the english language that I hate as much as those two together. Every time I hear them my teeth grind, my hackles go up, and my toe claws curl in my boots. All day, every day, over and over again, like a...

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Bunny Shorts

Bunny Shorts [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) Sleepovers can be so much fun, especially if there's a hansom studly Rabbit in tight underwear sleeping next to you. Something's bound to happen. This is adult...

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Short [Diary]

20th September Where should I begin? I'm a human, it's nothing special, you probably won't expect a dog to be writing this, unless you know about "furries". I should define what I mean exactly, cause there are "furries": People who are deeply...

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It's a Short Life

Yellowed walls. An old beige telephone with a circular number dial. Frayed floral accents on the couches and windows. The reek of old cigarette smoke, the faint smell of ammonia and death. Kennedy hated visits to Grandma's house and, though he felt...

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Short Story

He couldn't help himself. Feeling his whole body pumping and pulsing, he had to let it out, all of it. After he snuck in to see how she was doing at her new job, he saw her sweeping the...

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