Ditch or Hitch Version 1.02 + Older Games
Some games contain f/f, m/f, f/m, male-to-female, and female-to-male. if there is multiple types of content, then there is usually a way to avoid unwanted content.
* * * pocket city - _ **black tie formal** _ tags: anthro, pokemon, macro, micro, hypnosis, pawplay, soft vore, hard vore, mass vore, young prey, digestion, willing genders: f/m, f/f species: arcanine, luxio, luxray, purugly synopsis: abigail is
Cat Ivanovitch & Lisabeta Vixen - Tickle Torture (F/M)
Lisabeta couldn't be any happier. Ever since her encounter with the handsome Cat Ivanovitch and their eventual marriage life truly was rich. Not only did she obtain a rugged husband but she had the chance to use her wits on the other animals. Now it...
Chapter 2 (Spitplay, Incest, F/F, M/F)
**\*Authors note: Breaks between the paragraphs indicate when the point of view shifts between the two protagonists.** As Meress watched her sister deal with her obstinate guardsmen, she noticed Marl looking at her out of the corner of her...
Smashing Stag Party Version 1.08
The sexual content includes m/m, m/f, f/f, m/m/m, m/m/f, m/f/f, f/f/f scenes. it is easy to avoid specific content, simply avoid characters of the undesired sex. what's new: a loading transformation room has been added.
Smashing Stag Party Version 1.06
The sexual content includes m/m, m/f, f/f, m/m/m, m/m/f, m/f/f, f/f/f scenes. it is easy to avoid specific content, simply avoid characters of the undesired sex. an update to my queer transformation furry text game, smashing stag party.
Smashing Stag Party Version 1.06+
The sexual content includes m/m, m/f, f/f, m/m/m, m/m/f, m/f/f, f/f/f scenes. it is easy to avoid specific content, simply avoid characters of the undesired sex. what's new: we're celebrating pride all summer long!
Furry Farm Frenzy Version 1.02
This game features sex scenes (m/m, f/f, m/f. you have the ability to select whether you want to watch a scene or just leave without watching), sex swaps and species swaps.
Cat Ivanovitch & Lisabeta Vixen - More Tickle Torture (F/M)
The couple were at it again. Another night of a fun session involving pure tickle torture with, as always, Ivanovitch on the receiving end. At least this time he knew what to expect. The last time he was at the mercy of his vixen wife it was an...
Mira (F/F, F/M vore, digestion, mild scat)
Mira By Strega "Una bolla stracciatella, per favora." "Si," said the gelato vendor, and scooped the chocolate-drizzled ice cream onto a cone. "For la bella signora, no charge," he said with a smile as she reached into her belt pouch for a thousand...
Dante, Origins Chapter 3: Always Read the Fine Print
This is quite a few chapters long but will get to the transformation soonthis story will contain in it's due course: m (solo), h(solo), m/f, m/m, m/f/f, m/m/m, and m/h, (and possibly some other fun combinations as well ;p).
Kevin Foxboy 13
Rated adult for m/f, m/m and f/m sex, blatant f-words, casual acceptance of same. original 2009 nexxus furnation version, added kinky stuff after * * * kevin foxboy 13) sex training, 2 i had learned touch, fondle, lick and kiss in sex training.