Journal of The One-Eyed Dragon Entry 1

I go to meet this orc, and to my surprise it is a female orc in full, what looked to be, daedra armor. she was rude, and had quite het sharp tongue. she insisted i call her "sir". i humored her, if only to get a taste of that reward later.

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Inner Madness

He has those girl orcs and the princess at the gallows!" a young man acted as a messenger. even if the orcs still held the advantage, he could fit into small spaces and hide, "hurry!" the red headed woman growled, "i'll go.

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A female orc ran over, "please! take me with you!" she begged one of the leaders of the orc army, "i can't stand the smell of these peasants!" "you are free to do as you wish, we are not holding you as our prisoner."

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He turned towards the darkest corner of the room, where a female orc, no older than twenty one rested on the sofa. her skin was green like ours, but with a clear earthy tone to it, bits of scaly skin showing around the collar of her dress.

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College Brings about Change pt.7

A tall and fit female orc stood, hands on her hips, watching the young man preen himself like a wild bird. she made no attempt to hide the amusement in her voice, or on her face, but held out an hand and introduced herself. "the name's jo.

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Dragon born from an Orc

When all was done, where once there had been a female orc, now stood a shemale draconic creature. although not as big as the original dragon, she was a foot taller than her previous form had been. her form was also much curvier.

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Four Horde Mistresses: The Orc

His gasp of surprise was a mistake as he took in the heavy scent of female orc sweat that had nestled its way between her thick thighs. he was incensed.

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WoW: Protecting Pride

The first was a male tauren, speaking casually to the other, a female orc hunter. he wore pleated leather with a beautiful red and green pattern with a matching leather kilt, and his shoulder pieces were almost as big as his massive head.

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The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Codex

female orcs are even more productive than their wild kin, producing so many children that for most of their pregnancy they are suspended off the ground by their massive bellies. it takes special care to sustain them, and near continuous feeding.

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Chapter 4

The one asking was a large green figure, with small tusks protruding from the mouth, covered in what appeared to be leather armor, judging from the shape of the body and face, nate assumed this was a woman orc. "who are you?" asked zericho.

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Mixed Tale 3 - Tribal Conflict (Violence Warning)

He was sitting cross-legged, and had female orcs on each sides of him, and a strange golden tray before him. he looked up as the guards led rosethorn and vorpaal into the tent, and he shooed the women away. "sit."

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