Reunion (chapter 1)

Walking out of my office building i was greeted by the bitter decemeber air. snow had fallen during the day and was still falling hard. running across the parking lot i found my car. the drive home was quiet and depressing.

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The Wonder Drug

A destroyed office building, or her regrettably attractive body. she was the kind of woman he would have done cat calls too... had she the ears to hear it. he ran to someplace he felt safe, the metro tunnel.

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.** **we moved down a street where they had a clear view to spot from one of the rooftops of an office building.** ** shawn activated the digital tablet on his wrist and pulled out of the bag, the ram drone with gun power to use scouting out.** **'

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Chiricov- Chapter 8: Bad to Worse

The three of us crawled to the door of another office building; taking a temporary cover in there. "okay..." i said taking deep breaths, "what the fuck do we do?" trey and nina shrugged their shoulders. "we gotta fight."

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Hard Labour

Finally, i glanced back over my shoulder and towards the two-storey office building. or to be more exact, the row of maleni-sized windows sitting mid-ground floor, next to where the larger ones stopped.

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The Warehouse Guard

It had a medium sized warehouse, an old brick tooling shop, and an office building.

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Chapter 6: The DOS incident

office buildings had many servers along with just about everyone using a computer or some electronic device to do their work on.

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Ty Vs Virman

Yell, ty pulled the roof off a nearby office building and hurled it at the hero. the rooftop bounced on impact with the street, careening past virman™ and crashing into silver's shiny emporium. "the shiny store!" virman™ gasped in horror.

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Honor Above All Else chapter 7

Kitt looked up along the side of a mirror windowed office building sensing his mate inside. striding right into the building, kitt's form fitting trench coat flowed gracefully around him.

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Polar Bared Lion

I get a lot of customers from the neighboring office buildings and some are really hot males. we're busiest from 7 to 10 am and at lunch. i have several part timers who work hard and i pay them well.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 16

He had jumped to the roof of the office building he had worked at and looked at the space needle. he was judging the distances and plotting his course of action. it was all about the space needle.

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