Intertwined Preview
The path I had been set on, was not one I could have ever imagined. Not in a hundred years would believe was about to happen to me, or _who_I was going to meet. That day . . . permanently engrained into my mind. It hadn't rained in the valley for a...
Monday Morning Rail
_Released under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license. Share, modify, and redistribute -- as long as it's attributed and noncommercial, anything goes._ _So. I went back and forth on uploading this for a couple of days, but to the relief no doubt of...
A Bandit's Punishment
Just another awkward day in the old west. the end.
The Pail Slide Technique (Post-Vore)
"Awww c'mon, now's not the time fer this bullpucky!" The raccoon man struggled with his belt, not in the least bit interested in taking caution at the fact bullets were tucked into every inch of it. Every shift of his hands just made his bulbous middle...
Delivering the Message
The doors burst open in the saloon, drawing the eyes of everyone present. The rough and gruff crowd of gathered men looked at the newly arrived male with expressions ranging from indifference to contempt. Mostly an avian in firm, but a thick and strong...
Character's Weapons
A Small Bounty - 1
Cassidy was the owner of the old west after her father passed years before, and ran the saloon with hardly any help.
Billy the Kid
He loved the fallen doves (and friends' wives) just as any young single male in the old west would and he gambled and he would often drink himself stupid as well.
Furry Guns
(a mosey was the way one walked nonchalantly out in the old west.) "i'm callin' you out, fox," pressed the raccoon. "draw, or i'll shoot you where you sit!" "let's not go there," implored the fox.
Backstories: Gunslinger Kyle
#5 of backstories another story that just showed up in my head once, in the days of the old west, there was a rouge, a brown bull named kyle grenier. from an early age, he showed signs of hypermasculinity.
Legacy of Bad Men chapter 1
Heres a quick concept overview: this story takes place in the pokemon world however it takes place about 130 yeas in the past placing it in 1880 (bassically old west era) where the main hero a ruthless vigilante hunt's down and kills bandits, gangs,
Elsewhere, Chapter 9: Long Gone
One of the two old west-looking guys narrowed his eyes at kamala. "this." she held up her ultratool.