From Day One-Chapter One
" - "...details at this time are a bit scrambled, but we do know that the suspicion for the attacks has fallen on the terror group al-qaeda, led by former mujahideen member osama bin laden
RS: Incestious Liberation 4/4
Kris moaned quietly into the passionate kiss, and he broke off before explaining, "sadly yes the kkk did it, communism at the time did it, and osama bin laden with his al qaida, i'm pretty sure you could indoctrinate someone to become a natural slut
Rogue Sword - Ch 11: Entrusting a Cat With a Fish
"they have a couple of stealth helicopters on call, like the ones they used in the osama bin laden raid.
Eternal Universe - Chapter One
The top tier of the special operations capital ship tier, the class is named for the special operation that killed osama bin laden, the most high-profile special ops mission of the last few decades.
Someone to Watch Over Me
Like... they have to know that osama bin laden doesn't give a rat's ass about pdx, right? and that even if he did, there's no way we could really stop him?"
Sniper Ballad
All he could do now was to praise allah that sheikh osama bin laden had not forgotten chechnya entirely, and that his _mujahideen_ and their tactics and training and weapons and manuals had reached the caucasus.