Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 1

This is a loose combination of her "overcoming fear - cynder's love" piece (https://www.sofurry.com/view/335689) and my "growing problems" miniseries (https://www.sofurry.com/view/699710), sort of a merged continuation of both.

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Track and Field: Part 4

He of all furs knew about overcoming fear as an obstacle, and he hadn't let his condition destroy who he was. tanya then took a break, and red, a reluctant sparkle in his eye, went to get ready for his game that night.

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It's Never Christmas On Tarlec

As the sleigh came to a stop and the old man climbed out, followed by the demons, curiosity began to overcome fear, and some of the residents emerged from their huts, axes and spears in hand. others shut themselves inside and barred the doors.

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The Scent of Blood

This was a small town, curiosity and morbid fascination were quickly overcoming fear and good sense.     the town mayor, a portly man named abotsford, began tottering out of the nearby front door of the pub. 

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Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 8

overcoming fear? the arrows could mean anything, and for a second she was almost anxious to find out. however, that's when she saw it. amongst the arrows, at every single turn, was a simple blue arrow.

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The Love Who Spied Me - Part II

She asked, her curiosity overcoming fear once again. "you know that you aren't, i know because i know what happened that day you met marcel, and the real mole knows that you aren't his handler.

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Blunt Force Happiness

After all, the first step to overcoming fear is accepting it. oh, and since i'd rather not make another side entry, i asked mistress to show me hir skitty form.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 5

I won't be here always to guide you, one day you will have to manage on your own, you'll have to overcome fear and face what's in store for you because only that way you will learn that life is harsh and mostly without mercy"_ _spyro lowered his head, ignitus

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 28 - Kidnapping

Fealty and honor to uphold the commitments his sires have made over the centuries will overcome fear. i know socholathetes personally, and he knows me. i have no doubts regarding his endorsement of this action."

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