Rage Over Matter
Because of the short time span of less than three months, and the relatively short range of which the victims are murdered, we believe there is a serial killer on the loose.
Identity: Chapter Forty-Seven
#48 of identity a serial killer is on the loose in the city of san fernando, long hailed as a haven for gay people.
Angel O'Death.
I was the perfect serial killer and that bothered me on a subconscious level . until i developed remorse. i quit the gang, and i knew that death was better than what unchainable had in store for me. nobody quits. _nobody_.
Darkness Rising Chapter Four
"now i know you said that these victims might look similar to those of your serial killer, but i'll still warn you. what you're about to see is not for the faint of heart, and very gruesome."
The Confession of Albert Fish: Introduction
It is given to few people in recorded history to so degrade the fabric of their humanity as to be regarded by many as a living, walking form of pure evil. It is given to still fewer, to successfully accomplish this deed, and yet remain virtually...
Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet The Analyst Chapter 1: In Which We Are Introduced to the Analyst, Serial Rapist/Killer of Goldenwood Forest
Chapter 1: in which we are introduced to the analyst, serial killer/rapist of goldenwood forest goldenwood forest had been a peaceful little place for as long as any of its residents could remember.
Qest: Primal - Chapter 21: Toast
"i say yes to serial killer man." he doesn't plan to live very long, huh?
Identity: Chapter Forty-Three
After all, he was san fernando's greatest serial killer. maybe _america's_ greatest serial killer. his ears pricked at the sound of the explosion.
Identity: Chapter Fourteen
#15 of identity a serial killer is on the loose in the city of san fernando, long hailed as a haven for gay people.
Clive stood amidst the gathering of police officers, as he looked across the gravel embankment and glimpsed his entrapped serial killer.
Lowenstein & Shannon: Homicide Detectives - Part 1
At age twenty-four, and with only a year and a half as a detective, he had just help with the apprehension a deadly, ruthless serial killer.
The World We Live In Character Reference - Jek Barlow
One day, he heard of a serial killer known only as 'the red rogue', but his experience with similar serial killers knew that this person was also a bounty hunter, albeit his pattern and his method of killing was similar in all his victims: they were all bathed