Return To Outpost Unicorn - an Erotic Starfox AU Tale
There were multiple cars linked together, similar to a full-sized train you would see in many cities. however, this was a much more compact electric monorail system, so only a few tracks could fit into each floor of the mega outpost.
A Change Of Heart: Eve of Darkness
training room on the ship.
Slaves and Studs: Part One
"he is currently undergoing size training - that's for his muscle and not his cock - but he has come a fair way already and we are pleased with how he is coming along.
Party problems
Unstoppable in their approach, looking like building sized trains in their speed. those two digits plowed over the miniscule men flailing in the slime with arms waving and voices shouting to be noticed.
Improving Oneself
Alex could feel the tug of the now seemingly toy sized train beneath hir rump and delighted at the fact that it could no longer pull hir.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 501-525
Can you help them to get the right size training bras? and see if you can find some lacy ones that fit them." gretchen nodded and took her girly sons to the 'intimates' section, and got three training bras for each of them.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 526-550
As they drove further, past the roller coaster and other rides and the midway, they could see a half-sized train parked along the edge of the small employee's and handicapped access parking lot.