Bondage Warehouse Mistress
The 'unhappy' ending will share the same name, with 'slave' instead of 'mistress', and i'm sure you can guess why.
Review 11 - Zoe Opens Up
She wants to be sure that she can do it here without any unhappy endings." the rabbit tilted her head softly to one side as the ferret-dragon with the curious horns spoke.
Bondage Warehouse Slave (alternate ending)
(cross-posted from if you like this, or other stories i've posted, that is the main website i post to) and heeeeeere it is, the alternate, 'unhappy' ending!
Where The Heart Is - Prologue - Falling to Pieces
Sadly, that feeling would soon come to an unhappy end. the fires of hell lapped the small cub's heels as a fiery beast chased him.
To fill the frittered minutes of a day
It was almost like... almost like he _wanted_ jacques to have an unhappy ending."
Learning To Fall Part 7
His tremendous rear slammed to the ground with a pop as one of the rubber balls met its unhappy end. "hey!"
3.3 - Now and Again
A lot of his tales had unhappy endings, and he didn't want to burden her. "i suppose it's no worse than our old stomping grounds. i hear things are getting pretty chaotic back there. again."
Mutagen Drinker
I'll never forgive or forget for what happened... but i am causing unhappy endings unnecessarily at this point, are i not? taking loved ones away, that is. hmph. damn it, witcher. i do not know how, but you killed my ardor for the moment being.
Partners in Love: A Zootopia Story
He was definitely happy with how it turned out, despite the unhappy ending he was given at her apartment. it hadn't bothered him because he knew that they would eventually get to it tomorrow, and he was going to make sure he gave her the time of her life.
Hurricane Kim Chapter 16
I could understand now what had happened to their family, and the unhappy end for his unnamed wife. but i was a little confused by this death and rebirth idea. "it is somewhat of a long story for what and why people are shooting at you.
Office Workload
Under these circumstances, hurting his new friend would be a really shitty ending to a shitty day that was showing at least some promise of a not-too-unhappy ending.
RIDER: A Metamor Keep Story
It was only when chang offered to give him a horse's body that it all came to an unhappy ending. at the time, he had thought chang had simply grown tired of him and was asking this of him to pressure him to leave.