Dominion Khajiit Chapter 1
The wood elves looked at each other, confused. "sorry, but... who?" "gwillon," she said, "the wood elf who was in our hunt unit. you did not know of him?" the wood elf shrugged. "no. i'm just a cook.
Chief Concerns
To his surprise, the youth wasn't a wood elf at all, instead a wide eyed high elf sat in one of his chairs looking for all the world like some startled deer. "not what i was expecting."
Study Buddy [Patreon Commission]
"Did you remember to read the study?" One of the elf's tall ears gave a little twitch, picking up that deep voice from across the room. He lay back on the couch by the big window looking out over campus, one leg crossed over the other and textbook...
Business Before Pleasure
The poor wood elf hardly had any sleep in the past two weeks as he was helping the wood elf queen with a few "errands" as she called them. "you're right.
Sexual Healing
Not with the high elves, who were historically more than allies to the scattered tribes of the wood elves, so nearby.
Chapter Five
The wood elf raised one questioning brow and looked in his direction, but did not bother climbing down from her mount. "what is so strange, kai? that we lost her trail?
The Adventures of Davida Capricornia, Chapter 1
The other human and one of the wood elves forced hiroshi out of the room while the other wood elf closed the door behind them. farrow took out a pocket recorder, a small note pad and a pen from inside his coat.
Skyrim, Arga's Story: Chapter 4: Riverwood
Shaking his head, he undid his trousers, taking significantly less time than the drunken wood elf to get his pants off, and he shoved them to the ground.
K'Jaar adventures 1
While he was making a scene k'jaar and wood elf seeked to the kitchen. "who is in my kithen!?" one argonian chef asked."he is a friend" wood elf said. they lelft kitchen before chef looked at them. after that k'jaar found a way to get in elwven solar.
Skaven Celebration
The wood elves in the story come from my time on the warhammer mount and blade mod (cause fuck the wood elves.
That Morning
Ilana's eyes shifted towards the open door growing with terror in her eyes to see another man, this one a wood elf, with his bow drawn and another arrow pointed at her. her fear filled mind finally snapped.
Late Night at the Gym [Patreon Commission]
This lovely evening, the wood elf had decided to run by the all-night gym - even with his mundane nose, he could still very clearly pick up the change in scent when he walked into the main room - near his apartment.