The Friend

Alright. Getting close to wrapping up charcter "intros." Probably this and two more afterwards before I start doing some BIG stories, hopefully. And now so the Feds don't bust down my door, the warnings. The following storiy includes hinting at...

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Birthday Girl

Just so you guys don't think I'm some kind of freak, I actually put my fursona into this little story plot. If you haven't figured out by now, I try to intertwine my stories just a little bit. I'll start working on one big story once I get my charcters...

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Dreaming of Him.

Hey look! More "girl on self" action!! I'm a sad, sad man. Ingredients: Surprise, somewhat detailed description of sex, objects and a horny fur. For those with allergic reactions to the mentioned ingredients, are in locals not suited for this...

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Pool Side

Still experimenting with new stuff, so comments would really be nice, my furry comrades. And now for something completely different. All characters are property of AC (aka me!!). If you're under 18, in a state the prohibits this kind of stuff, or...

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Playing with Food

Hehe. Decided to try a little something new. Cause we all need to go out our comfort zone every now and then. And now, the standard equipment. All characters are property of me. If you're not 18, or reading about furries having fun isn't your cup...

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Rainy Day

Alright, fellow furs. The name's Chris "Atomic" Coon, and I decided to go back to my days of writing scripts and story lines. So this is the first in a grouping that I hope to have cross pathes alot more than I have at the moment. Flame lightly, and...

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Fayer House -- Joseph's Discovery

Another rainy day had overcome the outskirts of Highview, the streets and sidewalks slicked with the passing rain. The road was barren, aside from the handful of vehicles their respective owners felt brave enough to leave out. A streetlight battled to...

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Fayer House (NS) -- Vivid Imagination

_Hello again folks. For those of you who are watching me, I am trying to work on the new Complex chapter (shameless plug.) But you know, that takes a bit of work to try and do. So I figure I just needed to do something quick to help refresh the brain. ...

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Complex: Pool Party Day 1 -- Plots and Schemes

_Its baaaccckkkk... The Complex makes it triumphant and extremely overdue return to the front page of YS! Sorry for the long delay folks. As some of you know, I had a bit of a dark streak, which gave birth to the Fayer House series. I'm in a bit more...

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Flesh & Fur Chapter 02: Journey Through Skull Gorge

The air was still, the sun above slowly toasting the grass and earth below. Not many trees lined the edge of the river, and any amount of shade would be welcome for those who dared to venture so close to to Skull Gorge. Many rumors still linger after...

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Flesh & Fur Chapter 01: Unlikely Alliance

The only thing she seemed able to focus on was the ringing between her ears. The lithe woman was seated in a rickety cart, her arms bound behind her back with solid rope. At least they had the decency to keep her clothes on, even if they had stripped...

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Flesh and Fur (Preview)

The gnoll roared loudly as he strained against his binds, the strong iron cutting into his wrists as he desperately clutched towards the bucket. Even if he lead out with his torso, his muzzle just couldn't close the gap. ''Mwen pral manje ou!'' He...

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