Diaspora of the tribes I
_I received some emails with ideas for chapter VII of the wolf thread and many of them were really helpful - thanks alot to all of you! I guess its time to give the plot a new twist in another way too - This is the first chapter of another thread to...
The great wolves VI
_This chapter is admittedly abit weird, but you should find it quite an interesting source of possibilities for the future :) Also I noticed that chapter IV was the most popular one so far so I'll give the readers what they want - sensual non-anthro...
The great wolves V
_Another chapter on another day. By the time this is uploaded the prior 4 chapters are probably not reviewed yet so there was no chance for me to get criticism on the whole construct - I will try to use criticism to improve as soon as it starts coming....
The great wolves IV
_Here comes part four - seems like Im on a roll, but I have a friend looking at these before uploading them so I guess it can't get too bad or superflous work for the reviewer like this :) Warning to kids - stay away, this one contains sex between a...
The great wolves III
_Yes Im notorious with this story - I just cant seem to stop writing more chapters :D This one has some yiff in it - not actual sex, but quite graphic nonetheless - Kids please stay away._ **The Kiroth Wars - The great wolves III** ...
The great wolves II
_Alright, so I decided to go ahead and write a second chapter before waiting for further feedback - I guess it cant hurt and might make more people interested in the rest. This part actually gets more explicit while not having outright yiff yet - so...
The great wolves I
_I guess, this being yiffstar, I dont need to write a disclaimer and this part is only hinting at things to come anyway - so no need to thump feet nor books just yet ;) I like trying to write stories that I havent found on yiffstar before - Im not...
How it all began
_This is the introductory chapter to a story that will probably take long to reach its yiff parts. It is based on a dream I had some months back and rather conceived then written so I hope you will accept that things are not always as "smooth" or...